15 things I learned after losing weight

28/09/2022 By acomputer 653 Views

15 things I learned after losing weight

For some, it is a question of aesthetics, for others a question of health...But after a significant weight loss, everyone testifies to surprises they did not expect.A user of the Reddit community website thus launched a discussion around "these things that I learned after losing weight".And the responses of Internet users are surprising, you will see it.

When losing weight has unexpected consequences

"I will feel better in my skin", "I will have more endurance", "I will have less pain on the knees", "I can wear what I like"...No matter what motivates them to lose weight, people often have a very precise idea of the life they will take once their goal achieved.

Yes but here, losing weight sometimes has totally unexpected consequences.Because it is not only the body that changes.If a big weight loss opens up new possibilities to those who suffered physically or psychologically from their obesity, it is also the source of sometimes more surprising changes.

Reddit user confessions thus sheds new light on what "losing weight" sometimes implies.Some testify for example to an entourage that changes, in good or bad.Others have fun being very cold or to love to look in the mirror.The opportunity for us to discover a reverse back of the often unsuspected decor.

These things I learned after losing weight: the best of

Whether funny or disconcerting, these confessions are likely to surprise you.

1 - When you lose weight...We rediscover what it is to be cold!

« 15 choses que j’ai apprises après avoir perdu du poids »

"I'm so cold now.I can't just go out in a sweatshirt in winter.I need to wear long sleeves under my sweatshirt and under my big coat before I can hope to warm me even a little.I now understand why people wear as many diapers.»Tonydanzer

2 - It's not just the body that changes, those around them too

"What I did not expect is the resentment of some of my friends.Even if they are not terribly overweight, they are now a little bigger than me and do not appreciate this situation.»Grayheim409

3 - Some parts of our body are missing when we start to lose weight

"I miss my crush buttocks.No more chair is comfortable enough to sit on it for a long time now, ”deplores Workhardformoneyey

4 - We bear the alcohol less well

"I went from 104 to 79 kilos.Alcohol goes up to my head much faster now, ”admits Colonel_gipper

5 - Feet also lose weight

"I lost a size.This is something that happens often, ”warns suspect309

6 - We regain weight very easily

"We regain weight very easily.I went from 113 to 90 kilos to return to 120 kilos.I have lost 6 kilos again since I reached this maximum but it is not as easy this time.»That_ol_boy

7 - The body changes, not the person!

"I realized that I was always this a little crappy person, I'm just a smaller person now.»Confess Sparta2019

8 - Food can be an addiction

"I discovered how easy it was to lose weight when I accepted the fact that I am addicted to food and therefore count the calories will always have to be part of my life.»Isitoveryetsir

9 - We can't lose weight

"In June 2018, I was 119 kilos when I weighed myself at the Doctor.Last Thursday in my doctor's office I was 95 kilos.I think what surprises me the most is that I really don't see where I lost all this weight, ”says Jenkemjoe

10 - People treat you better now and you have to get used to it

"How do people treat you when you are thin vs when you get big?"It's simple you are treated with much more respect on the part of men and women.It was weird to have to get used to it.»Mordinsalarian

11 - Losing weight: unsuspected benefits

"The symptoms of my asthma have completely disappeared.I would never have thought that possible.»Jormono

12 - Losing weight is not always good for self -esteem

"I look naked in the mirror these days and I think:" I could lose a kilo of fat here, I could lose another here, I could lose two pounds there ".But when I had 20 pounds too much, I looked naked in the mirror and I thought: "I am Canon.»Aednoch

13 - We can become a real narcissus

"I don't stop looking at me.I love being in a photo and in videos.»Lez-Dykawitz

14 - Losing weight is therefore not good for the bank account

"I feel much better, I have more energy and buy tons of new clothes costs an arm," laughs Popejohnsonagain

15 - I learned that I was not happy

"I thought I would be happy, or happier.But I was not.I lost 60 kilos and I felt like mentally.I resumed about 20 kilos.I try to resume my good habits to lose weight but it is difficult knowing that it will not change anything in my apathy ”, thus notes Doctormumbles

So these are fun or touching testimonies that show us to see weight loss in a new light.And you then, what are the things you learned after losing weight?Tell us on the forum.