5 clothes not to wear while sleeping

23/10/2022 By acomputer 696 Views

5 clothes not to wear while sleeping

Some like to sleep in socks, while others like to curl up under the duvet in panties.Be careful.It turns out that some clothes are not the allies of your nights.

Some tissues are likely to cause irritation, cystitis, even yeast infection by promoting the development of microorganisms as mushrooms.Others will be conducive to night sweats or may weaken the musculature by being too tight.What are the clothes that should be taken before bedtime?Overview in our slideshow with Professor Stéphane Gayet, infectiologist and hygienist at the Strasbourg University Hospital.

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For most clothes mentioned in our slideshow, the problem comes from synthetic materials."To sleep, avoid all fitted clothes and in polyester-cotton fibers.Polyester is irritating to the skin, promoting inflammation of the sweat and pilot-sebaceae glands, therefore the perspiration and production of sebum, while the inguinal folds, the pubic region, the inter-filth groove, the anal region and thegenitals are very rich in glands, "sums up Gayet Professor.

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In addition, pajamas or underwear can, if they are too tight, generate discomfort and damage the musculature, according to our expert.

Scroll over our slideshow and discover the 5 clothes it is better to remove before diving into the arms of Morpheus.