Return to basics with Olivier Rey - Catuer

08/09/2022 By acomputer 777 Views

Return to basics with Olivier Rey - Catuer

Interview with the philosopher and mathematician Olivier Rey, who publishes repair water at Stock.

The water of modern man has been fallen from his symbolic value.It is tap water rather than storm water, water made rather than an original water from everything.Olivier Rey offers us with repairing water (stock) a brief history of man's relationship with the first element where poetry and sciences merge in the same current which carries Francis Ponge, Gaston Bachelard, Léonardo da Vinci, Galilee, Genesis andHeraclitus to a found ocean ...

In this book, the internationalist and hyperconnected citizen is invited to catch up.Catch up with immediacy, lost in the distance, behind the managerial novangues and the great emancipatory ideals.An antidote book to globalist and urban ecologism.A drakkar launched to rediscover a world that we fled because we could not hug it.Like water.

Olivier Rey stands against the fleeting abuses of our modernity, and hopes to help us "reconnect with shares of ourselves to which we have lost access".

Chatter.After having looked into transhumanism and its "lures" (lure and misfortune of transhumanism, ed.Desclée de Brouwer), why did you orient your research towards the relationship between man with water?

Olivier Rey.I will risk an analogy.According to Renaud Camus, what he calls the "great replacement", of one people by another, would have been inconceivable if he had not been preceded by a "small replacement" - for example of culture, which raises, by cultural, which flattens.Likewise, the transhumanist project to use the technique, a priori intended to develop our stay in the natural world, to transform ourselves to adapt to the requirements of the technicalized world, could not have seen the light of day without a mutationPrerequisite - namely the recovery of the world of life by the "clothing of ideas" of modern sciences of nature.A "clothing of ideas" that makes us take for the true being, for the ultimate truth of reality, scientific theories that allow us to operate so effectively on reality.

I am aware of the abstract character of what I just said.Hence my illustration by a particular case: water.

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Prenons un dictionnaire (en l’occurrence le Trésor de la langue française, mais un autre ferait aussi bien l’affaire) : l’eau y est définie comme un « liquide incolore inodore et sans saveur à l’état pur, formé par combinaison d’hydrogène et d’oxygène, de formule chimique H2O»». H2O, à la fin, apparaît comme un résumé de ce qui précède, voire comme son fondement et sa justification : après la description naïve, vient la définition sérieuse, de laquelle ce qui a été dit auparavant n’est que conséquence.The clothing of ideas is deposited on the water, replaces a formula for it.I try to make felt what is lost in this story - in this Hachedeuzoisation of what has long been considered, with the earth, the air and the fire, as one of the four fundamental elements and even, often, thefirst.

Why do we observe, from Galileo, such a deep change in our relationship sensitive to natural elements, and water in particular?

Retour aux sources avec Olivier Rey - Chatter

The great statement of Galileo is that the book of nature is written in mathematical language, without which it is impossible to understand a single word.In view of the extraordinary successes accumulated by the natural sciences in the last four centuries, it would be insane to question the legitimacy and the fertility of the "mathematic" approach of natural phenomena.But Galileo is not content to say that mathematics offer a way of deciphering the book of nature which has its own virtues, he says that the book of nature is written in mathematical language.

In such a perspective, the mathematical sciences of nature hold the monopoly of truth about the natural world.This means that our direct impressions are, if not disqualified, at least emptied of any authority. De là, concernant l’eau, le fait que celle-ci passe ultimement, aujourd’hui, pour être un corps composé de molécules liant deux atomes d’hydrogène à un atome d’oxygène, de formule H2O.

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You are very inspired by the notebooks in which Leonardo da Vinci described his observations and noted his analyzes as to the characteristics of the water.You also call on Francis Ponge on numerous occasions, especially with regard to a form of "passivity" necessary for the knowledge of the world.Why do these two references occupy such an important place in your work?

Leonardo was not only a painter, he also worked as an engineer, especially in hydraulics.To the point that one could see in him a pioneer of the "arrail" of nature by modern technology.Except that Leonard has always kept, towards the world, an admiration which prevented him from considering this one, in the first place, from the angle of his transformation.He always came back to the world as he appears, as he hides the catch, as can only be contemplated.For him, man could and had to domesticate water, but only to a certain point: fundamentally, water remained the blood of the earth, the wild element in permanent motion, like time.As a result, water constituted the supreme challenge for the painter.Moreover, a key to interpret a work like the Mona Lisa is in the elevation between the waters which frame the central figure of Mona Lisa: by his art, the painter is capable of grasping a fugitive moment in the flow,permanent and spouse, waters and time.

As for Francis Ponge, what he says about water in the bias of things offers, without the slightest trace of lyricism, an exact counterpoint to the bias of Galilean science on the world.This bias of things is also revealed, ultimately, a bias in favor of man, insofar as it is through the attention paid to things that we get to know each other.Ponge recommends that the artist open a workshop to "take the world in compensation, by fragments, as it comes to him".Which is also a way of repairing ourselves.To "increase" us, in a completely different way than by electronic implants.

You distinguish two poems, "one that delivers us from the world, the other that gives us there" (p.145).What does that mean ?

There is a poetry which is like a music of accompaniment of the "disenchantment" of the world, as the clothing of modern natural sciences, and its technological lining, extend to him.A poetry where the world would only be ready for our sentimental effusions."What is the difference between an event and a season, between a grief and a rain, between a virtue and a star?"", Hugo got drunk.The clothing of science ideas is replaced by a clothing of feelings.There is a poetry which, on the contrary, strives to tear these clothes.In the terms of Francis Ponge: "The poets sink into the night of the logos until they are at the level of the roots where things and their formulation merge.»»

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Vous fustigez la mission « Starfish 2030»»[1] ainsi que le monde du management et de la com’ d’une façon générale, mais alors quels moyens d’action politique pourrions-nous mettre en œuvre pour « réparer l’eau»» ? Et quel rapport entretenez-vous vous-même avec le premier élément ?

My daily relationship with water is the one that almost each of us, in our countries, maintains with this element: water is first of all what flows in the tap.What is extremely practical. L’existence m’a aussi offert (et cela est particulièrement important dans l’enfance) un rapport moins « entuyauté»», moins « veolia-isé»» à l’eau.Hence this phrase of Bachelard, which I highlighted and which echoes in me: "My pleasure is still to accompany the stream, to walk along the banks, in the right direction, in the sense of'flowing water, water that leads life elsewhere, in the neighboring village.»» Tout est beau dans cette phrase – ce qu’elle dit, l’accord parfait de l’expression à ce qui est à dire, et jusqu’à la coïncidence finale entre l’ailleurs et le village voisin.

Quant aux moyens d’action politique à mettre en œuvre pour « réparer l’eau»», je sèche, dans la mesure où c’est la recherche frénétique de « moyens d’action»», techniques ou politiques, qui finit par nous rendre étrangers au monde.So many machines to cross and transform the world, so few legs to walk there, hands to work, looks to contemplate it ...

[1] Ocean protection project, seas, rivers, lakes and rivers, initiated by the EU and taking for 2030.

Repair the water

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Lure and misfortune of transhumanism

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