Brazil - Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

15/01/2023 By acomputer 640 Views

Brazil - Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Pulmonary infection - Coronavirus COVVI -19 (05/01/2022)

Due to the circulation of the COVID-19 virus and its variants which remains active (the figures of the pandemic can be consulted on the website of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control), any entry into France and any exit fromOur territory is supervised.Consequently, it is advisable to learn carefully and imperatively of the regulations in force by referring in particular to the COVID-19 alert of the advice to travelers for the one hand, to check whether the trip to destination or from the envisaged country isSubject to the imperious grounds regime, on the other hand, respect the health measures put in place at the entrance to French territory.

Dispositions en vigueur sur le territoire brésilien :

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, travelers must present before boarding to enter Brazilian territory = excluding visa obligation =:

Brésil - Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Failure to present these documents will be an obstacle to entry into Brazilian territory.

The restrictions remain in place for foreigners wishing to arrive in the country by land or navigable.More information on these restrictions on the French Embassy website in Brazil.

The interministerial decree of December 20, 2021 comprising all the provisions can be consulted on the Brazilian government website.These provisions appear in French on the site of the Brazil general consulate in Paris.

In Brazil, the telephone number - 136 - provides general information on the coronavirus, and the Ministry of Health has established a list of reference hospitals for patients with virus.

Updated information concerning the coronavirus is also available on the French Embassy website.

Call for maximum vigilance - risk of attack

As a reminder, the risk of bombing being high, the French residents or passing abroad are called upon to show maximum vigilance.

It is particularly necessary to keep away from any gathering and to be careful during travel.It is also recommended to be informed of the situation and risks, by consulting the recommendations of advice to travelers.

The French passage are invited to register on the Ariane thread, in order to receive alerts concerning the country where they are.