Can you be straight and wear a turtleneck? This picture of Mbappé torments the masculinity of some

29/05/2022 By acomputer 831 Views

Can you be straight and wear a turtleneck? This picture of Mbappé torments the masculinity of some

Hate wool? Many netizens reacted to the latest release of the player of the France team. A turtleneck that says a lot about society's latent homophobia.


Easy, easy. Kylian Mbappé shared three photos of him on Instagram on Wednesday, taken for Paris match magazine. On the clichés, the footballer seems to feel a lot of happiness in his turtleneck wool sweater. There is little reason to rejoice in 2021 and nothing like a sweater to get a smile back. Kylian is happy in his sweater and he makes it known. Good for him.

Within a few hours, Internet users react massively to the publication. The public website goes so far as to talk about a "bad buzz". Many question the shooting and the image of the sportsman. Involved? His masculinity, which is said to be missing since he wore the turtleneck of discord.

"you look like you're gay."

"is he gay now?" one netizen asks. Everyone should know that wool and blissful smiles are two emblems of homosexuality. The rainbow flag is so 2019: now gays wear rolled collars. "you look like Karine Lemarchand," adds another. "you look like you're gay," we speculate further in the comments. "you look like a curious straight guy," nuance a last one. Big debate.

Peut-on être hétéro et porter un col roulé ? Cette photo de Mbappé tourmente la masculinité de certains

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All this because Kylian Mbappé takes a female pose in a turtleneck that takes her away from the footballer's jersey. And for testosterone torturers, a man with behaviour considered feminine, is a homosexual person. This is evidenced by this article in the OBS on these people who are considered gay when they are not. And it was already a question of turtleneck …

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