End of the metro ticket notebook: when will the Val-de-Marne stations concerned?

23/01/2023 By acomputer 658 Views

End of the metro ticket notebook: when will the Val-de-Marne stations concerned?

Par Rédaction Île de FrancePublié le
Actu Val-de-Marne
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This is the (progressive) end of the cardboard metro ticket booklet.Since Thursday, October 14, 2021, it will no longer be possible to buy tickets on tickets across.And in Val-de-Marne, when is it?

À lire aussiFin du carnet de tickets de métro : quand les stations du Val-de-Marne seront-elles concernées ?

A gradual suppression

The end of the cardboard metro ticket is not yet on the program, but users will have to take new habits.From now on, to buy several tickets at the same time, the users will turn to other offers such as Lenavigo Liberté + which counts each passage and then take the amount of travel at the end of the month, the TI + TI + Tickets notebooks on a PassnavigoEasyou still charge tickets directly their phone.However, it will still be possible to buy tickets to the units on the stations concerned.

Fin du carnet de tickets de métro : quand les stations du Val-de-Marne seront-elles concernées ?

For several Parisian stations, the end of the metro ticket book has already been a reality since Thursday.This is also the case of the RER A in Val-de-Marne stations (Val de Fontenay, Bry-sur-Marne, Fontenay-sous-Bois, Nogent-sur-Marne, Joinville-le-Pont, Saint-Maur-Créteil, The park of Saint-Maur, Champigny, La Varenne-Chennevières, Sucy-Bonneuil and Boissy-Saint-Léger) and RER B (Gentilly, Laplace and Arcueil-Cachan).

This is the first step in a three -phase plan which will end March 2022 with Lafin of the sale of T+ cardboard tickets to all the automata and counters of the RATP network.

In the Val-de-Marne metro stations, there is still some time to respite for users.

January 2022

Spring 2022

Click on the photo to access the stations where the sale of Metro carnets with automata will no longer be possible:


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Actu Val-de-Marne
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