H&M launches its second-hand Sellpy platform in Belgium

08/08/2022 By acomputer 691 Views

H&M launches its second-hand Sellpy platform in Belgium

(Update) Sellpy, la plateforme d'occasion du géant de la mode H&M, étend ses activités à quelque vingt pays supplémentaires, dont la Belgique.


From today, Sellpy is also available in Belgium. Selon Pär Lindback, H&M Belgique, la prise de conscience et la demande d’articles de mode circulaire ne cessent d’augmenter."We are therefore very happy to deploy Sellpy in Belgium, a platform on which customers can both buy used items and sell their clothes to extend the lifespan"

H&M lance sa plate-forme de seconde main Sellpy en Belgique

The functioning of the platform remains unchanged: customers can send their clothes for free to Sellpy in a special bag.The platform then takes on the entire sales process on its own, writes Reuters.When a garment is sold, the customer receives a percentage of the sale product, with a minimum of 40%.Articles that do not sell are recycled or given to charitable organizations.

Sellpy was founded in 2014. Un an plus tard, H&M acquérait une participation dans la plate-forme et en 2019, le géant suédois de la mode en prenait le contrôle par l'intermédiaire de sa branche d’investissement CO:LAB.Thanks to this expansion, the platform for the sale of used items is now active in 24 countries.