Halloween: 8 frightening costumes for pregnant women

02/11/2022 By acomputer 657 Views

Halloween: 8 frightening costumes for pregnant women

Par MagicMaman
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L'heure de fêter les fantômes et autres spectres approche à grands pas et les futures mamans seront évidemment de la partie ! Découvrez notre sélection de costumes d'Halloween pour femmes enceintes.

Halloween is soon!

Vous le savez, cette fête traditionnelle signifie sculpture de citrouille, décorations d'Halloween, friandises, mais aussi et surtout déguisements. Qu'ils soient effrayants ou non, c'est toujours un véritable plaisir que de s'affubler d'un costume original, pour festoyer en famille.Halloween : 8 costumes effrayants pour femme enceinte Halloween : 8 costumes effrayants pour femme enceinte

Comfort for pregnant Halloween disguise

Are you ready to terrify those around you?However, a happy event is being prepared.Pregnant, the joy of taking part in the festivities sometimes turns into disillusionment.With your round belly, difficult to get into your catwoman costume.Anyway, you only have one desire: you slip into something comfortable and soft, far from the costumes that scratch!In short: this Halloween edition may be a real challenge.Unless...

An inventive costume for Halloween

Pregnancy is not necessarily a guarantee of disadvantage to be able to frighten those around you during your Halloween festivities!Yes, by showing imagination, you can transform your round belly into a real source of terror, for the little ones as for the older ones.

Halloween : 8 costumes effrayants pour femme enceinte

You fear that later, your child wants you to have used your round belly to shake the entire neighborhood (although not to this neighbor who is constantly groaning...))?Don't worry, we won't say anything.The secret will remain well kept!

Halloween costume during pregnancy: Have fun!

You still don't know how to get rid of October 31?Rest assured, we are here to find you the best ideas for Halloween disguise for pregnant women.So yes, we concedes it, good taste is not always there, but let's be honest, Halloween without costume, it's a bit Christmas without gifts!

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