Heat wave and pregnancy: how to endure the heat?
L'été, les températures caniculaires sont difficiles à supporter pour tout le monde, surtout pour les femmes enceintes ! Nos conseils pour survivre à la canicule quand on attend un bébé.
Supporting the heat wave is already difficult, but all the more for future mothers who apprehend in summer.When temperatures become too high, everyday life can quickly become a real hell, especially during pregnancy.The heavy legs are even more so, the slightest displacement is a test and the nights are a real ordeal.It is essential, for its comfort and health, to observe some simple rules.Hydration, rest, protection, here is the winning trio.This week, a new heat wave is expected in France, with temperatures that exceed 40 ° C during the day, and 27 ° C at night.Our advice to prepare for it and live this hot period better if you are pregnant.
Heat wave and pregnancy: priority to hydration
We will never say it enough, when it is hot, you have to drink!During pregnancy, the body is put to the test and much more fragile than in normal times.It is therefore imperative to hydrate very regularly, up to two liters per day when the temperatures are particularly high.Be careful however, we eliminate sodas and all too sweet drinks.The ideal is to drink water at room temperature or slightly lukewarm.If it is not in your habits, you can prepare water for the next day flavored with fresh fruit.Always keep a bottle of water near you and do not hesitate to put an alarm on your mobile phone if you are afraid to forget to hydrate yourself.Keep in mind that the risk of dehydration is very real and can have dangerous consequences for you or your baby.A last little advice, hydration also goes through the skin, so do not skimp on the moisturizer when leaving the shower!Besides, if you are really too hot, nothing prevents you from regularly taking short lukewarming showers.The effect does not last very long, but it provides real comfort.
High heat and pregnancy: mandatory rest for pregnant women
You planned to join friends for a shopping trip and then accompany your elder at school outing.What if you rather made the wise decision to stay cool at home?To avoid discomfort and real strokes, put yourself in "minimum service" mode!Delegate, ask for help, in short, Mé-Na-Géz-vous!In the hottest hours of the day, give yourself a repair nap without feeling guilty, thinking of slightly raising your legs to promote good traffic.It's a safe bet that this heat exhausts you, so do not presume your strengths and stay listening to your body.A nap is ideal for releaseing body tensions and doing good on morale!
At home, head for freshness!
This is the biggest challenge we are all facing daily in a heat wave!If some are fortunate to live in old houses with thick walls that keep freshness, most of the time, our apartments are real overalls.And it is all the more difficult to maintain an acceptable temperature when the degrees drop little at night.First step: only at dawn and late at night.Then close the shutters and windows.The fans brew hot air and are therefore ineffective to refresh the atmosphere, but if you install bottles of ice water just in front, you could enjoy a little freshness.As for air conditioners, they require leaving an open window to evacuate the air...So we forget!At night, if you leave the windows open, remember to hang damp sheets with curtain rods, to get fresh air.
How to dress pregnant when it's hot?
Dressing during pregnancy can be a real ordeal and the phenomenon is still tenfold when it is very hot.Priority must be to choose clothes in which you feel comfortable.Avoid jeans, tight pants or fabrics that make it sweat.Favor light dresses and breathable materials.At home, stay barefoot as much as possible and, since nobody looks at you, you even have the right to spend the day in underwear if you sing!
Outside: compulsory hat and cream
If you still decide to venture outside, avoid the hottest hours and favor morning walks or from 7 p.m..Take a bottle of water, cover your head with a wide -edge hat and remember to apply the sunscreen index 50 on your face and all the parts of the body exposed to the sun, even if it is only'A walk in town!If you can, do not hesitate to postpone your medical appointments that are not urgent.
Chaleur, heat wave and heavy legs: how to relieve them?
Many pregnant women have circulatory problems during pregnancy.Here are our tips for relieving you:
Summary Tips heat wave pregnancy pregnancy and tired, home to dress? Heavy legs and heat wave support the heat wave already difficult, but all the more for future mothers who...
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