"Honey Diet": Is this honey-based diet effective in losing weight quickly?

07/08/2022 By acomputer 750 Views

"Honey Diet": Is this honey-based diet effective in losing weight quickly?

If honey is recognized for its soothing, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, it would also have slimming virtues.This is called the ""honey diet"".So what is this diet from the right of bees worth?

A few years ago, the English nutritionist Mike Mc Innes, interviewed by the Daily Mail, said clearly that honey allowed to lose weight quickly.The miracle solution?Take a spoon of honey, in a hot drink for example, before going to sleep.

Taking a spoon of honey before going to bed would have beneficial effects on our sugar desires

So how can this hive product become our slimming ally?According to Mike Mc Innes, honey has a ""unique combination of natural sugars"".It would trigger ""metabolic changes"" in our body, allowing us not to give in to our sugar desires.

After multiple research, the nutritionist has indeed discovered that our organism protects the most fragile cells in our brain from a potential sugar overload.In other words, our brain is often hungry: it then leads to a desire for sweet sweets.In order to restore this lack of sugar, it would simply be enough to swallow a spoon of honey before going to sleep.

But that is not enough to lose weight.Indeed, Mike Mc Innes also advises to replace sugar with honey throughout the day.According to him, taking this habit would deactivate the brain mechanisms that trigger the sometimes irrepressible desires of sugar.

However, the nutritionist Anthony Berthou, interviewed by the HuffPost, says that ""honey remains sugar"".Same bell for the Béatrice de Reynal nutritionist in our colleagues from Atlantico: ""Honey is made up of a mixture of the two molecules that make up table sugar: glucose and fructose.It is therefore an even faster sugar than table sugar.""

Honey can be a slimming ally under certain conditions only

Alors, le miel peut-il véritablement être un allié minceur ? Selon Henri Clément, porte-parole de l’Union Nationale de l’Apiculture Française (Unaf) dans le HuffPost, le miel reste ""meilleur pour la santé que le sucre"".An opinion which therefore joins that of Mike Mc Innes. Le nutritionniste affirme en réalité que le miel peut nous aider à perdre du poids à une condition : que nous évitions les ""aliments artificiels"", qui procurent ce qu’il appelle des ""calories vides"". Selon lui, nous mangeons trop d’aliments ""transformés"" ou ""trop sucrés"", qui nous empêchent de suivre nos régimes correctement.

He therefore advises to take a spoon of honey before going to bed, but not only.In addition to this small gesture, it explains that it is essential to have a varied and balanced diet.He therefore lists several ingredients to limit, even delete according to him:

Conversely, here are the foods he advises:

The Honey Diet should therefore not be limited to the simple fact of swallowing a spoon of this nectar every evening.By dosing it, honey can certainly help us contain our desires for sucrose but it does not alone lose weight ... especially since this ingredient remains sugar despite everything.

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