How Jean-Michel Blanquer became the leading figure of "anti-wokism"

26/05/2022 By acomputer 868 Views

How Jean-Michel Blanquer became the leading figure of "anti-wokism"

On his arrival at the helm of the National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer was perceived as a new and pragmatic man, carrying a reflection on the school and a good record as rector of the academy in French Guiana or Créteil. Who then, apart from the "pedagogists" who were waiting for him, remembered that he had been at the heart of educational policy under Jacques Chirac (as deputy director of the cabinet of Gilles de Robien, one of his predecessors rue de Grenelle) and under Nicolas Sarkozy (such as "Desesco", director general of school education)? He was presented as a solid "techno".

« Il manipule la nitroglycérine » : la disgrâce de Blanquer, ex-premier de la classe

Blanquer has changed. He's been wearing a beard and a crusade since this summer. He has become the leading figure in the fight against "wokism", a vague word aimed at the struggle against all forms of domination (suffered by women, religious, sexual or ethnic minorities …) . He promises to put an end to this "communitarian" vision, which he considers to be "destabilizing for civilisation".

Comment Jean-Michel Blanquer est devenu la figure de proue de l’« anti-wokisme »

The "techno" has evolved into a political animal, one of the few in the Castex government, one of the most cumbersome. At the Sorbonne, on January 7, the anniversary of the attacks on "Charlie Hebdo", he gave the inaugural speech of a two-day conference, entitled "after deconstruction: rebuilding Science and Culture".

Colloque « anti-woke » à la Sorb
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