I tested the art of emptiness

31/03/2022 By acomputer 827 Views

I tested the art of emptiness

Full as an egg. This is what I thought when I found myself in my apartment after a long stay abroad. Is it because, over there, the streets, the houses are much wider and more spacious? Suddenly, the walls seemed full to me, the rooms were suffocating, the objects that I had nevertheless loved and chosen to exhibit seemed dull to me. But how can I find freshness and lightness in my living space?

I then decided to call on Dominique Loreau. Follower of minimalism, this Frenchwoman, settled in Japan for more than twenty years, offers there, for a weekend, seminars intended for all those who no longer know what to do with all that encumbers them. Proof that the difficulties of seeing more clearly, sorting out and giving up are universally shared. For her, minimalism is a real philosophy that you gradually learn to practice in all areas of your life.

J’ai testé l’art du vide

Arriving home, Dominique Loreau explains to me that she always travels very light: “To come from Japan, I only take a bag that contains everything I need to live, the minimum. So I don't have any luggage to check in! » An availability and a lightness that make me want. This new kind of coach will spend two hours unearthing the many facets of the "overflow" that reigns in my apartment. An inventory that encourages reflection and must above all lead… to action. Guided tour.