Lot et Garonne. 19 nursing homes still affected by the coronavirus

25/02/2022 By acomputer 850 Views

Lot et Garonne. 19 nursing homes still affected by the coronavirus

By Rémi Boulle Published on Le Républicain Lot-et-Garonne See my news

19 nursing homes in Lot-et-Garonne are still affected by at least three cases of coronavirus. “A good part of these establishments are even affected by more than nine cases of coronavirus”, specifies Joris Jonon, director of the Lot-et-Garonne delegation of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), contacted by Le Républicain / Actu .Fr.

Among the establishments with more than nine cases of coronavirus, Le Républicain / Actu.fr had already mentioned the situations within the EHPAD Les Violettes de Nérac (there are currently 7 deaths and now 15 positive cases among residents and 14 positive cases among staff members), EHPAD Pompeyrie in Agen (there are currently 40 positive cases among residents and 14 positive cases among staff members), EHPAD Capuran in Damazan (we is currently at 4 deaths, 32 positive cases among residents, 22 positive cases among staff members), or even the EHPAD Saint-Exupéry de Marmande (we are currently at 6 deaths, 42 positive cases among residents, 14 positive cases among staff members)…

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The nursing homes of Castelmoron-sur-Lot, Tonneins, Aiguillon, Mas d'Agenais... also affected

But, Joris Jonon confirms that, among establishments with more than nine cases of coronavirus, the EHPAD Comarque Beaumanoir in Castelmoron-sur-Lot is also affected. Indeed, 51 residents have tested positive for coronavirus, as well as some staff members.

Likewise, the SSR (Follow-up and rehabilitation care) service, located in Tonneins, of the Marmande-Tonneins hospital center, is affected: 14 residents have tested positive for coronavirus.

Just like the nursing homes of Aiguillon and Mas d'Agenais, where more than nine people are positive for the coronavirus in each of these two structures.

The measures taken in nursing homes affected by the coronavirus...

In general, measures are taken in all nursing homes affected by the coronavirus. “External visits are stopped and we isolate positive people in the room or by sector when possible”, recalls Joris Jonon. “Meals are then served in the room and activities for residents are reduced. “In addition, “operational hygiene teams from the ARS intervene to see what additional measures can be taken. Likewise, a departmental delegation from the ARS, made up of health professionals and the administration, is traveling to take stock of the situation and see what additional measures can be taken, ”says Joris Jonon.

…And in the other EHPADs as well

Similarly, measures are taken in all EHPADs, such as supervision of visits. “Each structure decides how it supervises the visits because all the structures have their particularities. And a balance must be found between health security and social life for residents. Within the structure, it is the management, the care team, the coordinating doctor, the social life committee, who decide”, specifies Joris Jonon. In parallel with the supervision of visits, “visitors are invited to rub their hands with hydroalcoholic gel at the entrance and their temperature is taken before they can enter”, indicates Joris Jonon.

The director of the Lot-et-Garonne delegation of the ARS also indicates that additional measures have been taken in all EHPADs in France since November 20. “Health professionals working there must be screened every week for four weeks from Monday, November 30, 2020. And relatives who visit must complete a self-questionnaire. And we recommend that they do an RT-PCR test 72 hours before the visit or, failing that, an antigen test the same day, ”lists Joris Jonon in particular.

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