Lyon: Boldoduc has been successful with anti-cottage skiing towers

09/02/2023 By acomputer 715 Views

Lyon: Boldoduc has been successful with anti-cottage skiing towers

This small business does not know the crisis...sanitary.Boldoduc specializes in the design and making of technical textile articles.His order book is full.Ski resort, ski school and individuals tear its neck filter Boldo'Air.

Based in Dardilly, next to Lyon, Boldoduc specializes in the design and manufacture of textile clothing for technical use.Since the reopening of ski resorts, their neck towers, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""buff"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" for initiates, have been convincing success.Filters and breathable, neck towers are infinitely customizable.Grégory Poisay, Managing Director of Boldoduc, returns to the origin of this product.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""In July last year, we wondered how it was going to happen in ski resorts, we imagined that skiing with a surgical mask on the nose was not possible.We came then the idea of the neck that is multifunctional.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Proven expertise

In a very short time, during the first confinement, the company adapted.She used her expertise in technical textiles to make masks, to date 20 million masks have been manufactured in her Dardilly company.

Then it diversified its offer with the neck towers. Grégory Poisay poursuit :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Le tour de cou devait remplir plusieurs critères.Protect from cold and regulate humidity.Neck towers, we were already doing it, since we work with brands like picture, Rossignol or Dynastar.We have planned to use the same material as that of our masks.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

The material in question is thermo-regulator, it is one of its particularities.It consists of a mixture of polyester and elasthane.

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""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""This mixture is made from a particular wire, Trilobé (it has three lobes).This thread makes the material knitted.There is no hem, the material on a frank edge, cut in the laser, which does not decide.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

200,000 necks ordered since early December

When you embark on the manufacture of masks, Bolduc has tested this weaving to assess its filtration capacity. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""La matière avec laquelle nous confectionnons les masques et donc aussi, les tours de cou, filtre des particules de trois microns à 94 %.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

The company has declined the neck towers in two versions, the simple tube and a tube to be put on whose shape at the level of the nose is more ergonomic to be able to wear with a ski mask.In addition to ski resorts, the French ski school has also ordered something to equip all its monitors.

Guaranteed short circuit

Hormis le fil, acheté en Italie, tout le travail est effectué à Dardilly, assure l'entrepreneur """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""on le tricote en interne, on fait l’impression numérique, on personnalise les produits en fonction des logos et des images envoyées par les clients.Everything is done on the same site.Then there is the making, the assembly always in the same place.The objective is to be able to say that not only is a French manufacture, but it is an ultra short circuit.Everything is 100 % on site, which allows you to have an excellent carbon footprint.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

The ideas box is not dried up since the brand continues to diversify with neck towers transformable into a hat, hoods, headbands

To cope with the volume of commands, Bolduc has hired staff and expanded his workshop with several new sewing machines.