Marmande. New Year's Eve weighed down by covid: yet the students would have a good party!

17/04/2022 By acomputer 823 Views

Marmande. New Year's Eve weighed down by covid: yet the students would have a good party!

By Dominique Empociello Published onLe Républicain Lot-et-GaronneSee my news

Depressed, young people aged 18-24 want to change their minds. Confined, the students are working hard. They resent this isolation, the remoteness of lecture halls.

The December 31 party would have been an escape, a way to reconnect with the outside world. To reconnect socially and clear your mind.

In its fight against the pandemic, the government refuses any relaxation. To the chagrin of these young students, ready to have fun, constructing – in vain – a plan of hell between friends.

"It's dead for this year"

In the course of a conversation between a mother and her adult daughter, here is a revealing example.

“And mam, for New Year's Eve, with friends and girlfriends, we want to party. Do you think we can find a municipal hall for rent to meet and dance? »

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As a student, Charlotte* dreams of relaxing. She spends all the light of her time in books working hard. The university program is already complicated enough to swallow.

A transition to the new year without feasting, without guincher, without sharing this pleasant moment is hard to digest.

“Don't make plans for the comet, it's dead for this year,” retorts his mother. Which readily conceives that it is hard to hear, to receive.

Mental health impacted

Marmande. Nuit de la Saint-Sylvestre plombée par la covid: pourtant, les étudiants feraient bien la fête !

“Academics toil at home for their studies. It is understandable that they want to decompress. Since March, they have been deprived of a nightclub.

At some point, this young generation of 18-22 year olds tends to freak out. Some teachers put pressure on them. They are uncooperative. Their exasperation aggravates the unhappiness of the students.

The impact of confinement on the mental health of students is a matter of concern. I know that some young people feel a form of depression. »

A heartbreaking selection

Charlotte returns to the charge. “Otherwise, I have a solution, if you don't mind. Why don't you let us have your house. There is room for 20 people. »

That is to say if the need (the desire) is excessively strong to celebrate this symbolic feast, marking the transition to the new year!

There would be an alternative solution. However, she breaks the heart of the teenager.

" How is it possible? We will have to exclude certain friends, make a selection. You realize, it's sad and a source of anger. »

“We want to have fun”

Many questions of this kind arise between young people who are (or who would be) ready to set up a clandestine evening.

No doubt, some, stubborn, will take the plunge, defy the ban.

“I'm going to call so and so, come on, at worst, we'll be ten. Maximum, I swear, mom. Below, it's pity, sad. We want to decompress, to have fun. »

The expression "the more we are, the more we laugh" has never been so appropriate. Except that in this case, it is niet.

No concessions, otherwise there is a great danger of exposing yourself to a cluster risk.

Joy contained in a select committee

Well, a compromise seems to emerge. Charlotte's boyfriend is cautious: “I advise you not to entrust your house, you never know. On a busy night, anything can happen. »

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The idea is gaining ground. An apartment would be able to accommodate a select committee. “Beware, if you exaggerate, you will be denounced by neighbors. The denunciation has become commonplace.

Streamers and party favors will nevertheless be out on New Year's Eve. Parents are notified. Their recommendations will be followed to the letter.

That everyone can spend a night of December 31 in serenity.

*To maintain anonymity, names have been changed.

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