New clothes contain irritating substances

16/06/2022 By acomputer 781 Views

New clothes contain irritating substances

L’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire vient de publier une étude alarmante sur les vêtements neufs vendus en France. Ils contiendraient des substances irritantes, toxiques, et des perturbateurs endocriniens. D’où l’importance de les laver avant de les porter.Les vêtements neufs contiennent des substances irritantes Les vêtements neufs contiennent des substances irritantes

This is a studded study.During the period of sales, we generally havetened to wear the clothes just bought, without taking the time to wash them for the first time.Big error, which can be expensive for health, seems to indicate a report by the National Health Safety Agency (ANSES).

This on Wednesday, July 4, publishes an expert report as well as a series of recommendations to "better protect consumers from the risk of allergy and skin irritation".ANSES is currently carrying out a vast study with doctors (dermatologists, allergists and toxicologists) and patients until October to identify adverse substances in our clothes.The first phase of this study took place during the year 2017 with around thirty adults, and the results - alarming - have just fallen.

Forty various and new textile articles have been analyzed, making it possible to identify several potentially dangerous substances, such as benzidine, chrome 6, nickel, nonylphenols or formaldehyde.These substances are for some toxic, for other irritants, causing eczema or contact dermatitis, or even are endocrine and carcinogenic disruptors.

Lower the regulatory thresholds of certain substances

Les vêtements neufs contiennent des substances irritantes

Alarmed by these unexpected results, ANSES therefore decided to extend its study until October 2018, where it will give an additional opinion.

In the meantime, the agency has issued recommendations to the authorities in order to harden current standards, visibly insufficient.She recommends:

ANSES also recommends that managers of the marketing of shoes and clothing "ensure that their suppliers are the absence of CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic, editor's note) or sensitizing or skin irritant"Clothes and shoes.

As for the consumer, failing to be informed of these risks thanks to the labels of the articles, the ANSES advises him to wash any clothes likely to be in contact with the skin before wearing it for the first time.In the event of a skin allergy following the purchase of a new garment, it is advisable to consult a doctor or allergist who can, by analyzing the garment, identify the substance in question.

Source : Anses

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Auteur :
Hélène Bour, Journaliste scientifique
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