Pajamas, this tendency of confinement that we will want to forget
MODE - Rather pajamas or jogging?If some are likely to cherish them for the next four weeks, our locker room and our way of dressing have been upset for a little over a year, when the first confinement started with us in France.The time spent with us, far from offices, bars or any other outing place, is there for many.
In figures, it translates into a decline of 15.6% of the clothing market in 2020, according to the Kantar Data Institute.While in the United States, sales collapsed by 19% in a year, the hexagonal shops deplore a balance of the 2021 mixed winter sales, still "less good than last year", assures FranciPalombi, president of the traders of France, at the microphone of Europe 1.
In fact, it is in our clothing habits that it can be seen.In the echoes of this Tuesday, March 16, we learn without surprise that formal clothes are the first to suffer from the situation.In 2020, costume sales fell 40%, “going to 677.000 against more than 3 million in 2010, »says Hélène Janicaud, fashion manager at Kantar, on a daily basis.
La Suite Après Cette PublicitéOn the side of what is called "loungewear" and "homewear", that is to say relaxation and interior clothes, this is the opposite effect.Sales increased by 9 % in the second half of 2020, "when the female clothing market fell 7 % over the period," recalls the title of Info Eco.Across the Atlantic, even bell sound.The sale of pajamas has increased by 5%, the Wall Street Journal tells us.
The fashion and comfort alliance
It's not surprising."People are looking for a different way of combining fashion and comfort", concedes the director of the clothing sector of the chain of department stores SAKS FIFTH AVENUE, ROOPAL PATEL, to the American daily.The phenomenon would have started in March 2020."Everyone is now experimenting with a way of carrying these pieces in their everyday looks, which they would not have done a year ago," she added.
In the press, the trend is talked about."Want to add a little luxury to your sleep?Silk pajamas are the solution, »suggests CNN.Instyle magazine gives us ten tips for bringing said together outside.For Vogue, it simply allows us to no longer have to change when going to bed.
La Suite Après Cette PublicitéBut now, for how long?Can the trend really settle in our cabinets?"Yes and no," said Bénédicte Régimont, author specializing in housing psychology.Far from the podiums and collections of the fashion industry, it is in the study of our psychic and mental behaviors that we can find answers.
"Even if it is a period during which we tend to let ourselves go more, the comfort will come back despite everything.We will always need it, explains the specialist, interviewed by the HuffPost.However, he will come back sporadically, the weekend, in the evening, or during the holidays.»
Not so virtuous letting go
There will be no rejection of this locker room, but perhaps parts that have been bought since the start of the pandemic, a period synonymous with anxiety, pain and uncertainties for many. “Celles-ci, on ne les gardera pas», avertit l’experte.In our pajamas, the body is no longer forced.As before political decisions and our docility to accept them, continues Bénédicte Régimont, a form of letting go was built in us.Do we still have control over something?"It's not positive, it's a form of abandonment," she adds.We let ourselves be carried, we let others decide to us.»
La Suite Après Cette PublicitéLa psychothérapeute Catherine Bronnimann nuance, elle préfère parler de “laisser-aller». Porter des vêtements pour se plaire à soi ou aux autres est normal, mais si ce fameux laisser-aller “se produit alors que nous étions avant cela dans une manière de nous vêtir pour paraître, ça peut nous amener à une prise de conscience» des pressions sociales, précise l’autrice du livre La robe de Psyché, un essai qui tisse les liens entre la psychanalyse et la mode.
Two ways are likely to open up to us, according to her. La première, c’est celle de la “séduction».It is linked to our need to know us desirable. “La seconde s’assimile à une prise de conscience de l’espace entre le vêtement et le corps», poursuit Catherine Bronnimann. Elle se traduit par des habits plus près du corps, signe “d’une volonté d’être plus près de soi».
“Tu vas te sentir vivante»
We already think about it.In this article from the New York Times, the American author Lou Stoppard tells how confinement makes him regret his pair of heeled shoes that have always hurt her feet.She's not the only one.By opening our wardrobe, many of us have seen clothes that we have been neglected for several months.We miss they.
La Suite Après Cette PublicitéSouf, un jeune trentenaire parisien, pense immédiatement à tout un tas d’habits Givenchy qu’il a dans son dressing, “des fringues qui ne se mettent pas vraiment pour aller chercher le pain».Morgane, she is a tin combination. Celle qui lui évoque la fête, “Berlin, la danse, la sueur, les petits matins insouciants, la légèreté», nous dit l’ingénieure.
De son côté, Louise Parent regarde avec envie cette robe qu’elle a revêtu lors du gala du magazine Business of Fashion, en 2019, “une robe assez simple, mais très bien coupée et dans laquelle [elle] se sentait bien».
The famous strategy and image consultant adds: “What I really miss is the dresses you wear for a special occasion.» Elle se souvient de toutes ces fois où elle rentrait plus tôt du travail pour se changer et se “pimper comme jamais»."You look at yourself in the mirror, you feel beautiful.You put on your shoes, you adjust your beauty, you order your taxi. Ce soir, tu vas te sentir vivante», se remémore la jeune femme, non sans émotion.
La Suite Après Cette PublicitéThe most nostalgic of objects
It's normal."When you can't go out and come across this little dress that we used to wear summer to feel sexy, you want to find this feeling," says Bénédicte Régimont.We need to find our life before.This is correlated with our clothes.They carry a message and a social marker.»
Beautiful days are coming.However, uncertainty remains the same.Our clothes reactivate memory with a calmer and pleasant weather.We are nostalgic. “Les vêtements sont empreints de souvenirs», ajoute Bénédicte Régimont.The specialist takes the example of a dress kept by her mother-in-law, the one she wore the day she met her husband's father.It is reminiscent of this little dress that we all kept from our childhood.
Catherine Bronnimann shares this opinion.The psychotherapist goes even further.Clothes, those who are fetish or lucky charm, are undoubtedly the most able to create nostalgia in us.“They are closer to us.We feel them on our body.There is more involvement than with any other object. Ceux-là, on peut les toucher, certes, mais on ne fait généralement que les voir», observe-t-elle.
La Suite Après Cette PublicitéLes vêtements, eux, sont notre enveloppe, “ils sont notre énergie, ils ont notre empreinte», ajoute Bénédicte Régimont.We are attached to them.And this, probably more than at the bottom of the pajamas bought last month.
To see also on the HuffPost: do not do the sales in support of the Uighurs?Not so easy for these consumers