Pregnancy symptoms: what are the most common?

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Pregnancy symptoms: what are the most common?

"Pregnancy symptoms: what are the most common?"

The symptoms of early pregnancy (nausea, fatigue, breast pain, heightened sense of smell) are not necessarily common to all pregnant women. Review of the most common signs during pregnancy and advice on how to remedy them.

[Updated January 26, 2022]. In early pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, chest pain, and stomach aches are common among expectant mothers. But all women and all pregnancies are different. Indeed, the symptoms of pregnancy are not necessarily the same for everyone. Some pregnant women feel almost nothing, one or two pregnancy symptoms, not more. It's not abnormal. Other expectant mothers, on the contrary, describe all the symptoms of pregnancy. In short, there is no rule. When do these signs appear? Once again, they are very variable from one woman to another, but in general, they appear between a month and a month and a half of pregnancy, sometimes earlier in some future mothers. While waiting to find out if you will be "lucky", that is to say with the least ailments, here is what you could expect in the first weeks or the first months of pregnancy...

1 - The absence of rules

The only obvious sign of pregnancy for all pregnant women is a missed period. Indeed, if your menstrual cycle is perfectly regular, the absence of periods on D-Day is a warning sign of a possible pregnancy. On the other hand, if they are anarchic, it is difficult to trust a few days late because other reasons can explain them such as stress, hormonal or thyroid deficiency. Note however that during the first trimester of pregnancy, some women observe slight bleeding on the date when they would have had their period if they had not been pregnant, we speak of "anniversary periods". Their color is more brown than red, they only last one or two days and they are much less abundant" explains Dr. Christelle Charvet, gynecologist in Lyon. Another type of bleeding that is sometimes observed, the bleeding of Implantation, which can be confused with menstruation, is bleeding that occurs during implantation, usually 9 days after conception and lasts one or two days.

2 - Pregnancy nausea

This digestive disorder is most common during pregnancy, especially in the first three months. In general, they appear 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy after the last period. They then peak between 8 and 12 weeks and usually stop between 15 and 17 weeks. Nevertheless, some pregnant women do not feel any nausea. The reasons for their appearance? "The hormonal cause is privileged: the beta-HCG hormone, secreted by the placenta, would increase the acidity of the stomach, hence the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms. But they can also have a psychological dimension because, often , a woman who finds out about her pregnancy quickly feels nauseous,” notes Dr. Charvet. If you feel a loss of appetite or nausea, know that it is possible to alleviate the symptoms with some anti-nausea remedies. You should know that nausea is accentuated by too long a lapse of time between meals. To simplify, when the stomach is empty, the acids it contains trigger nausea. They are also more frequent on waking, after the overnight fast. What to do: Instead of showering and fidgeting first, which can trigger nausea, start your day with breakfast. Not necessarily hearty, a biscuit can be enough. For the same reason, daytime nausea will be less severe if you avoid spending too long on an empty stomach. The solution is to split your meals. Thus, it is advisable to take three light meals, supplemented by a snack and two snacks, one in the morning and one in the evening. Finally, drink plenty of water throughout the day.

3 - Fatigue

It is during the first and third trimester of pregnancy that fatigue is felt the most. This feeling of exhaustion is linked to hormonal, physical and emotional upheaval in expectant mothers. Fatigue during pregnancy is one of the most common symptoms, but rest assured you'll have a boost of energy mid-pregnancy." This fatigue is linked to progesterone, a hormone that has a sedative effect, notes Dr. Charvet. Stress can also be involved because pregnancy also causes psychological upheaval." Rest as much as possible, take naps if necessary, and watch the quality of your diet. Take the opportunity to take care of yourself and listen to your body if you feel the need to rest. Especially since fatigue should make a comeback at the end of pregnancy, this time with difficulty falling asleep...

4 - Memory loss during pregnancy

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Did you leave home and forget your keys inside? You left your purse on the restaurant table, and you don't remember at all where you parked the car?... Don't panic, these "oversights" that make you somewhat "head in the air are common in pregnant women. You forget everything, simply because you now have other things to think about. But rest assured, memory loss during pregnancy does not last long.

5- Hot flashes

Characterized by a clammy feeling and increased sweating, hot flashes are common during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Particularly troublesome at night, they are caused by hormonal changes that promote the dilation of small blood vessels located in the head, neck and chest. Transient gestational hyperthyroidism can also stimulate the sweat glands and cause excessive sweating in the armpits and feet in particular. Hot flashes are difficult to prevent, but wearing light cotton clothes at night and using a fan or mini fan during the day can help you cope better.

6- Hypersalivation

Do you tend to wipe your mouth, drool after a meal and want to spit out your saliva? Caused by overactivity of the salivary glands, hypersalivation, also called hypersalivation or ptyalism, is common during pregnancy, mainly during the first trimester and in pregnant women who suffer from nausea or vomiting. Its causes are not clearly defined, but doctors mention the role of hormones. It manifests as twice the normal saliva production, bitter tasting saliva, a thick tongue, and sometimes swollen cheeks due to the size of the salivary glands. Hypersalivation during pregnancy cannot be treated, but expectant mothers can try to reduce this hypersalivation by treating the nausea. Split your meals, avoid spicy dishes, and why not, try acupuncture, prenatal yoga or sophrology sessions to relax.

7 - Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The appearance of hemorrhoids, dilation of the veins inside the anus forming small internal or external balls, is very common during pregnancy. This phenomenon often occurs as a result of constipation that has lasted for several days. During pregnancy, the uterus becomes larger, compresses the abdominal veins and thus disturbs the blood circulation causing varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids have no consequences for the fetus, but they are painful. It is therefore better to avoid spicy dishes, starchy foods and all that may cause constipation that can cause hemorrhoids. On the contrary, favor the consumption of prunes and adopt regular physical activity, such as swimming or walking. Please note that medications are generally contraindicated during pregnancy. In case of aggravation of manifestations, consult a doctor.

8 - Frequent urges to urinate

Since you've been pregnant, you don't go more than half an hour without having to go to the bathroom. This frequent need to urinate is sometimes a little inconvenient (especially at night). Moreover, if you plan to go out or have a long journey between your place of work and your home, anticipate! Avoid drinking before leaving and stop by for a pee break! Same thing when you walk through the door of a restaurant: your first instinct will be to identify where the toilets are.

9- Sore and swollen breasts

Your breasts are about to take on volume to prepare you for breastfeeding. Progesterone, estrogen and prolactin upset your breasts, which then become more painful and sensitive in early pregnancy. As a result, your nipples and areolas become larger to facilitate breastfeeding and you will even see your veins appear. To relieve the feeling of having heavy breasts, opt for a suitable maternity bra without underwire at night.

10 - Hypersensitivity and irritability

Mood can also experience small upheavals during the first months of pregnancy. The pregnant woman seems to be constantly on edge and hypersensitive. If you have the feeling of crying, know that there is always a reason. "Women do not cry for nothing because they are pregnant" explained to the Journal des Femmes the psychologist Nathalie Lancelin-Huin, author of the book "Pregnant, journey to the heart of emotions", during a previous interview. In summary, when a future mother allows her emotions to be expressed, it is to settle "old files from the past" which will then allow her to be more available for her unborn child. So there's no need to hold back, if you want to let a few tears flow. In addition, all the emotions become exacerbated: sensitivity, nervousness, mood swings, susceptibility… Disorders due again to the hormonal upheavals which take place in your organism in particular the increase in estrogen which has an exciting effect and cortisol , the stress hormone, which can easily put you on edge.

11 - A more developed sense of smell (hyperosmia)

Do you feel like you smell like a wolf since your pregnancy test came back positive? It's normal, during pregnancy, your sense of smell is sharper than usual. This is called hyperosmia. The only problem is that bad smells (which you didn't necessarily smell before) can quickly make you sick, especially if you can't stand the nausea already. Besides, if you're not hungry, it's probably because the smell of certain spices or fried foods doesn't whet your appetite. Try to identify those smells that bother you so that you can better avoid them, as they could also increase nausea or trigger vomiting. To reassure yourself, tell yourself that nature is well made, since this sensitivity also allows you to move away from toxic odors such as tobacco or household and polluting products...

12- Constipation and stomach aches

Pregnant women are often constipated. They are also prone to stomach aches and bloating, which are among the minor ailments of pregnancy. To avoid digestive disorders, split your meals, and opt for foods that are easily digested, such as cooked vegetables, starchy foods, cooked meats, pasta... Drink regularly, and be sure to eat slowly. Finally, do not take medication without medical advice.

13 - Back pain

You are about to carry your baby for nine months, and your body is changing to allow you to welcome this little being. It is therefore common to have back pain, particularly in the lower back, during your pregnancy. And with weight gain, the pain may last until the baby is born. Take care of yourself, avoiding heavy loads, or carrying your eldest in your arms. Do not hesitate to ask the future dad for a massage from time to time, which can relieve your back.

14 - Gastric reflux or acid reflux

During pregnancy, pregnant women have to deal with bloating and gastric reflux. These acid refluxes that occur after meals tend to spoil the pleasure of a good restaurant shared with friends. In question ? The uterus, which takes up more space and gradually compresses the stomach, thus acting on the digestive system. But there is no reason to worry, all these symptoms are common and disappear over the months. Arm yourself with patience!

15 - Heavy legs and varicose veins, at the end of pregnancy

Varicose veins appear at the end of pregnancy and disappear in the majority of cases after childbirth. To avoid them, try not to stand too long, remove high heels, elevate your legs at night. You can also massage your legs from bottom to top and wear compression stockings, after consulting your doctor. In addition, cramps can also occur at the end of pregnancy. They are localized in the legs and thighs and appear at night. It is necessary to consult your doctor if these cramps are frequent and debilitating.

Pregnancy symptoms: what are the most common?

Late period Nausea Fatigue Memory loss Hot flashes Pregnancy hemorrhoids Desire to pee Sore breasts Hypersensitivity Developed sense of smell Constipation and stomach aches Sickness...

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Questions and little ailments of pregnancy