Pregnant, my "little belly" earned me a lot of criticism - BLOG

16/03/2022 By acomputer 872 Views

Pregnant, my "little belly" earned me a lot of criticism - BLOG

PREGNANCY - Expectant mothers,

If you are reading this text, it means that you are in the same situation as me, namely pregnant for 4, 5 or 6 months or more, but that... you don't have a belly!

"So your belly is growing?", "Show me your little belly", "What, you still don't have a belly?", "It's not normal, in your place I would have already taken my wife to see a specialist"

What shouldn't be heard when going beyond “social norms” for a societal event!

No risk for the baby


Well, during my pregnancy I was one of those women who didn't have a belly right away and who had very little afterwards compared to what people have in mind. My partner used to tell me: “the more Fixette you do on it, the less it will come out”.

But in your opinion, what did this fixer come from? If not for the pressure from those around me asking me at each exchange if I still didn't have a belly... So already I can reassure you: not having a belly has no impact on your baby and his health! At the echo of the 5th month, we were relieved to see that our chip was in the curves and above all that it was there, without worries and with the necessary space to move and turn. At birth Élise was perfect, a small size of 2.6 kg in full health.

Enceinte, mon

And yet I was only waiting for that to finally have this belly to show off and finally be “pregnant” in the eyes of all! So for my part, apart from a swollen belly in the evenings which was similar to a belly after a good raclette with friends, I really had nothing for the first 6 months! And then I did a haptonomy session and I went to see a psychiatric nurse, a reiki master who intervened on the psychiatric and energy side and in 48 hours... my stomach came out! So, here it is, finally at 24 SG (26 SA), I had a little belly! So not yet the big round belly that we expect to see at 6 full months of pregnancy, but baby had FINALLY taken its place and me, it was starting to show even if when I said the stage of my pregnancy I still had the right to: “Ah yes, it doesn’t seem like it at all, because you have a small belly”. Then the belly ended up rounding even if I kept a “small” belly until the end. Again, "small" in the eyes of people waiting to see someone with a huge belly.

As my midwife told me, it ended up coming out when baby decided to lay on the front. So above all, don't despair and don't hesitate to close the door on people who tell you too much about it and above all to talk about it and consult people who can help you because all this remains partly psychological or emotional in my case (ha l 'unconscious, what a mystery...)


Take advantage of it (with humor!)

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Claire H.

Mom and communication manager