Pregnant women's clothing: What to wear in the second trimester of pregnancy?
Pregnant women's clothing: in the second trimester of pregnancy, your body changes
Au deuxième trimestre de la grossesse, l'évolution du foetus est telle que bébé commence à prendre un peu de place et votre ventre s'arrondit de plus en plus. Si certaines mamans ne prennent que du ventre, la plupart s'arrondissent aussi un peu du haut des cuisses, des bras... ce pourquoi il faut choisir des vêtements de grossesse adaptés. Pour vous sentir bien dans vos vêtements mais aussi dans votre corps, n'hésitez pas à continuer de pratiquer un sport adapté régulièrement.
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— wikiHow Recipes Thu Feb 11 12:32:42 +0000 2016
Pregnant women's clothing: your priority purchases of the second trimester and how to choose them
Forget your clothes before, now choose clothes to measure your new shapes.Basics to adopt quickly:- Special pregnancy tights or leggings to choose in black or in color- small chic and comfortable tops and sweaters (well covering in winter or lighter in summer)- a coat (if c 'is winter, or even a coastal coat, stylish and practical!) - A swimsuit to start prenatal pool lessons.
All in comfortable and light materials, obviously!If among the ailments of pregnancy, you have a heavy leg trend, ban the too tight pants;Slim version pregnancy jeans is therefore to be forgotten for a few months.You are long dresses and wide pants!
Pregnant women's clothing: the thing + for the second trimester of pregnancy
Reduce the height of your heels a little, to avoid twisting your ankle stupidly, and because on small heels (max 4-5cm).The goal: to continue walking a good step without hurting your back!A good way to stimulate venous return, lighten the legs and keep shape.For a sexy outfit, take care of your breasts and bet on the neckline!