Running too covered, does that really make you lose weight?

21/07/2022 By acomputer 741 Views

Running too covered, does that really make you lose weight?

On les voit suer à grosses gouttes, le visage écarlate et serré dans la capuche de leur imperméable, grisés par le résultat ô combien réconfortant affiché par leur balance à peine rentrés chez eux.Courir trop couvert, ça fait vraiment maigrir ? Courir trop couvert, ça fait vraiment maigrir ?

Is it on the advice of a swearing friend having lost two pounds in just one hour of jogging with this technique that they decide to try the experience?

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The prospect of an immediate and easily identifiable weight loss can push to put on a K-Way to frolic.One thing is certain: the game is not worth the candle.Because it will be anything but a health walk.

La sueur rend service

The human body is a very well designed machine to produce average and long -lasting efforts, but it should not be complicated the task too much.When you make an effort, 25% of the energy produced is used for mechanical work - muscle contraction to make you run for example - and the remaining 75% are evacuated in the form of heat.

You have all already noticed that you were quickly hot when you were making an effort.This is due to this heat production.

And as the human body must keep an almost stable internal temperature, it must evacuate a good part of the heat produced.To do so, you will sweat.It is this evaporation of water by the production of sweat which will make it possible to evacuate a part of the heat.

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It is not very well known to the general public, but sweat is a service.If we did not suck, the body temperature would gradually climb as the physical effort is continued to the "heat stroke" (exact name: malignant effort).

Des lutteurs morts d'un arrêt cardiaque

Courir trop couvert, ça fait vraiment maigrir ?

If that does not intimidate you that much, know that this "heat stroke" can bring you in extreme cases until death by cardiac arrest.But rest assured, the human body is well done ...

The stubbornness to want to run in K-Way is dangerous: during the 1970s but also more recently, in the late 1990s, wrestlers explored a little too closely the limits of their own organization.

In order to lose the last hectograms allowing them to participate in a competition, they spent several hours running in an overheated room, dressed as many strata as they could, and covered with a K-Way.

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And, pushed by a flawless determination, they only stopped when their heart said "stop".In a hot and humid environment, under the tropics for example, the water does not evaporate, so there is a poor evacuation of body heat.

Une de mes patientes s'enroulait de cellophane

When we put on a K-Way, or that we get wrapped up in cellophane-as this woman had confessed to me, having found the idea by watching a telechat program-we reproduce close conditionsof these.

Evaporation is much less effectively and sweat runs on the skin when it should evaporate to fully fulfill its function.The heat produced is therefore less well evacuated and the body temperature gradually climbs.To adapt, the body produces more sweat, and the sportsman transpires more than if he had made the same effort in shorts and t-shirts.

Objective fulfilled, I am told: if we sweat more, so we lose more weight too!This is the wish of some patients who experienced this practice without advising me.However, they tell me not to understand why they have not lost a gram despite several j-way jogs per week when they feel like sweating so much.

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Transpirer ne fait pas fondre la graisse

Indeed, if you have sweated two liters, you have lost 2 pounds in the process ... provided you weigh quickly.Because you unfortunately have lost only water - to be exact more than 99% of water, the rest being minerals - that you will resume as soon as you have drunk a few glasses of water when you return, thirstyand completely dehydrated.

Sorry to disappoint you but no, sweating has never melted the fat, whether it is during an effort in K-Way or in a sauna ...

On the other hand, regular physical activity without K-Way is the best ally of a balanced diet when you want to lose weight, do not take it or simply take care of your body and your health.

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The pleasure of seeing the needle of the scale lower if only a few short hours is worth the difficulty of the effort, as well as the very likely headache, pain and significant fatigue (in the best of cases) D'After the effort?

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Thomas Ladrat

Rue 89 Sports