Slimming panties: 4 risks to know before putting a slimming panties: 4 risks to know before putting it

12/10/2022 By acomputer 611 Views

Slimming panties: 4 risks to know before putting a slimming panties: 4 risks to know before putting it

Exit the granny.Praised by stars like Adele, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez or Kim Kardashian, the sheathing panties returned to the front of the stage.It must be said that this modeling underwear allows you to display a flat stomach and buttocks curved without any particular effort.Practical if you want to present yourself in your best light during an evening...But not without danger to health.

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Gaining panties: watch out for the gastric problem

To do your job and ensure a foolproof line for its owner, the sheathing panties tightly hugs the waist.By this action, the stomach, the intestines and the colon are compressed.This flattening can worsen pathologies such as gastric reflux, heartburn.Indeed, the size of the stomach being reduced by the sheath, the gastric acid can go up in the esophagus, and cause these disorders.

Jay Kuemmerle, gastroenterologist at the University of Virginia Commonwealth in Richmond, told Los Angeles Times "is really plumbing.For someone who suffers from reflux or who is subject to reflux, wearing tight clothes can exacerbate these symptoms ".

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Intestinal transit can also be disturbed and slowed down by the overwhelming effect of the sheath.It is thus not recommended for people who suffer from functional intestinal disorders such as irritable colon syndrome.In addition, compression can also promote the appearance of gas and bloating.These inconveniences are temporary.Once the sheath is removed, the transit generally resumes its course without difficulty.However, the flatulence is nonetheless unpleasant and disturbing, especially if the panties were put on the occasion of a romantic or important dinner.

Gaine: incontinence and urinary tract infection at the rendezvous

The pressure exerted by slimming panties can also worsen the incontinence of effort observed in women who have a lazy perineum or even leaks in those who suffer from bladder problems (hyperactive bladder, cystitis ...).

In addition, it must be recognized - if the ducts allow you to have a harmonious silhouette - they are quite complicated to put on.Thus, many women who have managed to set it up for the first time, postpone the time to go to the bathroom so as not to have to fight again with during their evening.Nevertheless, holding back so is not good for your health.

Uriner evacuates the liquid waste from our organization.If we do not know the call of nature for long hours, the urine and the germs present accumulate in the bladder.This stagnation promotes the development of bacteria and lead to recurring urinary tract infections or cystitis.People with these disorders suffer from burns during urination, a common desire to urinate or even abdominal pain.In addition, if cystitis is not taken care of, it can transform itself into pyelonephritis, an infection of the kidneys.