"success will naturally happen with motivation, rigour and organization!" Mehdi Zouitina (click Immo Poitiers)

03/06/2022 By acomputer 839 Views

"success will naturally happen with motivation, rigour and organization!" Mehdi Zouitina (click Immo Poitiers)


Franchise Agences immobilières
Immobilier - Mandataire - Agence franchise - Centre indépendant de vente, achat et location
Premier réseau de centres immobiliers départementaux en exclusivité
30 000 €
Apport personnel

Can you introduce yourself and tell us a few words about your journey?

Mehdi 33 years, I was born in Poitiers, graduated in marketing and communication, worked for a long time in events before going into real estate. I joined a famous network of proxies in 2017, I was able to get a first idea of the profession and start having experience in the field.

Why did you choose to join the Inclic Immo network? Did you consult competitors before you made your choice?

I chose to join the Réseau Décllic Immo for its center director, whom I have known for a few years. I knew that he could bring me daily and allow me to progress in this profession that I love a lot.

« La réussite arrivera naturellement avec la motivation, la rigueur et l’organisation ! » Mehdi Zouitina (Déclic Immo Poitiers)

Beyond this human aspect, the Immo click network provided tools that I did not have in my previous experience: a physical center to welcome customers, a business software, an estimation tool to complete the professional's gaze, a platform for compromise writing, the brand's communication media.

How have you been and are you always accompanied in your activity?

When I arrived, I was trained as a real estate consultant and in the tools of the brand.

Every week we make a quick update on the progress of the files in progress, from time to time I am accompanied on visits. It's always interesting to have an outside opinion and it allows me to move forward calmly.

>> Lire aussi : « Je cherchais un métier avec un statut d'indépendant et une rémunération attrayante ! » Maggy Longelin (Déclic Immo La Rochelle)

Has the training enabled you in practice to start your business under optimal conditions?

Without a doubt, the estimation method proposed by click Immo was a revelation for me, I explain it and present it to my customers every week. I see the difference after each date and it's commercially a big plus!

How are relations with your fellow independent advisors? Your center manager?

I feel like I've joined a small family, we get attached and we share together our questions and our successes. It is a real pleasure to work under these conditions.

The director of the centre is a support in the event of a question about a case.

What advice would you give to all interested candidates to join Declic Immo?

The essential things for me are motivation, rigour and organization in her work week. Success will naturally come with these few assets.

At Décllic Immo, as a real estate professional, you will find a base and the necessary tools for the smooth running of your business … You are independent but accompanied and trained as a real estate consultant by professionals in the sector.