The 15 slimming clothes to adopt before summer!

26/11/2022 By acomputer 695 Views

The 15 slimming clothes to adopt before summer!

2 sizes less in 6 days, a firmer body in 10 nights and without having to do anything... What if all it took was one item of clothing for our unsightly curves to miraculously vanish before summer? As you can imagine, the reality is less idyllic fun. If you should not hope to lose 10 kilos by wearing them, these slimming clothes are on the other hand a good complement to a balanced diet and a regular sports session to sculpt your figure.

Cosmeto-textiles: smart clothes (yes, yes)

If the term is difficult to repeat several times in a row without bumping into it, its concept promises wonders. These garments benefit from the virtues of certain cosmetics thanks to the micro-encapsulation technique. The friction of the garment against the skin causes the capsules to burst, which releases the active ingredients.

The +: cosmeto-textiles continuously diffuse the active ingredients, instead of one or two applications per day for a slimming cream.

Sweat clothes: be careful, it will sweat!

The 15 slimming clothes to adopt before the

Designed to make you sweat, thanks in particular to their neoprene material, they allow you to eliminate toxins much faster than in normal times. By removing them, you will tend to have lost a few centimeters of belly or thigh circumference, but it will not be fat, simply water which will return after rehydration.

Their +: sweat clothes improve the appearance of the skin, fight against cellulite and have a draining function.

The takeaway: eating a burger while wearing slimming clothes will not make you lose weight. These are to be combined with regular sports activity and a healthy diet for more efficiency. They have the advantage of making the skin prettier, refining it and fighting cellulite for a derisory price compared to palpate-rolling sessions. In addition to sculpting the silhouette, they have a sheathing effect. For best effects, wear them during your workout!

Writers: Mélanie Philippo and Clara Crochemore

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