Wearing a bra, good or bad idea?

10/05/2022 By acomputer 763 Views

Wearing a bra, good or bad idea?

According to an Ifop poll carried out in June 2020, 7% of French women have dropped their bras since the first confinement (compared to 3% before). Among the youngest, the trend is even more marked: 18% of those under 25 have chosen the path of emancipation (compared to 4% before). Obviously, the "No bra" (a movement that militates against the port of the bra) gain ground and get rid of this last sartorial shackles. And, obviously, they would be right. Indeed, while we were all brought up with the idea that it helps to keep a nice chest, the effect would be quite the opposite.

A firmer and higher chest

This is demonstrated by a French study carried out on 320 women (cups from A to D) aged 18 to 35, followed since 1997 and which is currently continuing. Thus, the removal of the bra would not involve any risk of premature aging of the breast and its sagging. But, more surprisingly, the wearing of this accessory would cause atrophy of the suspensory apparatus, comparable to a shopping net which starts from the clavicles, via the skin muscle of the neck, and which descends to the mammary glands enveloped in connective tissues, the fascia.

Also at play: Cooper's ligaments, "nets" that connect breast tissue to the skin. “If this support device is not used, it atrophies, distends and the breast falls. Conversely, the gravity exerted on the breasts strengthens the tissues by making them work. It takes about a year for the suspensory system of the breast to become functional again,” explains Dr. Jean-Denis Rouillon, author of the study and former sports doctor. A freedom of movement that has an impact on the silhouette: “The nipple rises an average of 7 millimeters after three years, regardless of the size of the chest. »

And the trend is even going in the direction of a faster evolution in women who have heavy breasts. "The greater the weight of the breast without support, the more it makes the suspension tissues work and the more they are reinforced", details Dr Rouillon. Among the other benefits invoked: ample breathing and better posture.

The back of the frames

Porter un soutien-gorge, bonne ou une mauvaise idée ?

The breast has the particularity of being the only human organ, specific to women, which does not have a solid internal structure. In addition, to protect it, the evolution of the species has endowed it with a thick physiological layer of fat. As a result, the vascularization of the integuments which cover it becomes vulnerable in the event of compression. This is the case if you wear tight bras, especially underwired models or those worn to push the breasts upwards (Wonderbra, push-up...). “This “tourniquet” effect can lead to chafing, skin irritation and other lesions. It is also necessary to avoid models made of synthetic fibres, which are likely to promote inflammation of the skin and fungal infections under the breasts”, observes Stéphane Gayet, infectious disease specialist and hygienist. Then, as with any undergarment, there is "a risk of maceration which can lead to the growth of odor-causing fungi and bacteria which will further aggravate the irritation." “Finally, excessive wearing of a bra, by compressing the lymph nodes, “can slow down the natural elimination of toxins through lymphatic drainage”.

Comfort above all

It remains to consider the comfort that the bra can provide for some people, especially those with very heavy or even painful breasts, by distributing the weight from the front to the back. In other words, our breasts will dictate whether or not we need to wear a bra. For some, it's also a question of modesty... "It's on a case-by-case basis, it's a question of shape, size and texture", recognizes Dr. Gayet. If the breasts already sag a lot, wearing a bra is advisable. “It will be essential postoperatively, after breast surgery, to promote the healing of the integuments,” notes Dr. Rouillon.

The elasticity and quality of the skin also come into play. Weight gain or pregnancy can, for example, generate the appearance of stretch marks or even, after the age of 50, “the skin tissue becomes thinner, more fragile and the breasts sag”, underlines the doctor. In other words, a woman who has given birth to two children will always need to wear bras more than a 20-year-old girl...

The question of sports

Instinctively, one does not practice activities likely to create violent jerks and strong traction on the suspensory apparatus without a bra or armband. However, according to Dr. Rouillon, who observed high-level sportswomen who did not use them during competitions, this habit would not be essential. But isn't the important thing, in the end, to feel comfortable when you move?

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