What are the different types of slimming belts?

19/04/2022 By acomputer 854 Views

What are the different types of slimming belts?

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The slimming market deploys a growing offer of devices aimed at losing weight. Among which, slimming belts. This type of belt, which sometimes resembles a sheath, sometimes a real "passive" body-building device, promises to find a flatter stomach and redesigned abs. Find out what the different types of slimming belts are and above all, if these "smart" clothes are effective for losing belly fat.

What is a slimming belt?

A slimming belt is, most of the time, a strip of stretchy fabric, which hugs the waistline, like a girdle, a breastplate or a corset. It is often large, made of a soft and elastic fabric – a mixture of different textiles such as Lycra, elastane, polyamide, neoprene, and fits perfectly around the waist using Velcro strips. The textures are well worked out by the manufacturers, so that the slimming belt does not alter movement or irritate the skin (no seams, Oeko-Tex® certified composition, etc.).

All slimming belts generally promise similar slimming results:

What types of slimming belts exist?

There are different types of slimming belts. Their design is relatively similar, but the technique used differs significantly. Some of the most common types on the market include:

The slimming sweat belt

This is a slimming belt with heating action. It is generally made of an alloy of textiles which, in prolonged contact with the skin, triggers a "sauna" effect. Wearing a seat belt thus generates heat, which itself leads to localized sweating in the abdominal strap. This perspiration would thus make it possible to eliminate toxins and waste, and would therefore refine the waist. This type of heating belt is often used in the context of recovery after exercise (sports and/or sports medicine context), because it allows muscle relaxation in the abdominal, dorsal and lumbar areas.

The slimming belt by vibrations

It is a vibrating belt, equipped with a small motor connected to a remote control. The latter makes it possible to adjust the frequency and intensity of the vibrations. Sometimes the slimming belt has different programs, for more or less intense effects. The vibrations transmitted by the slimming belt are supposed to massage the entire abdominal strap and thus tone the muscles. In addition, this vibration massage claims to improve microcirculation, relaunch lymphatic flow and thus reduce abdominal water retention.

The ultrasonic slimming belt

Quels sont les différents types de ceintures amincissantes ?

A more recent model of slimming belt, which relies on the action of low-frequency ultrasound to stimulate localized lipolysis. Thus, this type of belt, fitted with transmitters, diffuses low-intensity ultrasonic waves through the skin, to both stimulate connective tissue and circulation, but also cause subcutaneous heat favorable to the destocking of fat. (emptying of adipocytes).

The micro-encapsulated slimming belt

This type of belt is based on the concept of “intelligent textiles”. The material is indeed woven with fibers and microcapsules loaded with cosmetic active ingredients, supposed to have a slimming action. We will therefore traditionally find active ingredients based on caffeine, since the latter encourages lipolysis, but also moisturizing principles, such as Aloe Vera or shea. Most of the time, it is possible to wash the slimming belt several times, without altering its properties. However, it is a slimming device with a limited lifespan because in the long term, the microcapsules of the belt will be completely emptied of their slimming solution.

The slimming belt by electrostimulation

A great classic on the slimming market, electrostimulation is also available in the form of a belt. The latter is generally equipped with electrodes, which must be judiciously placed on each of the muscles of the abdominal strap (straight, transverse, oblique). It is also equipped with a control console (frontal or by connected remote control), which makes it possible to regulate the intensity and the frequency of the electric stimulations. This slimming belt claims to tone the abdominal muscles. The latter, reinforced by gentle and regular stimulation, thus give the stomach and waist a firmer appearance. It should be noted that electrostimulation is a process widely used today in the context of physiotherapy care, to treat muscle and tendon trauma.

The cryotherapy slimming belt

It is in fact a belt diffusing cold, thus similar to a cryotherapy treatment. Cold therapy has two slimming aims, traditionally: to generate apoptosis of adipocytes which, once “dead”, will be naturally evacuated by the lymph, like any cellular waste; generate thermogenesis, that is to say the maintenance of body temperature, and caloric expenditure. In general, this type of slimming belt is divided into two parts: the strap, made of elastic fabric and "niches", and pouches filled with an antifreeze solution, to be placed in the refrigerator or freezer. Often, it is advisable to avoid wearing this type of slimming belt directly on the skin, to avoid possible skin degradation by exposure to cold.

Are slimming belts effective?

There are as many answers as there are slimming belts. But it is nevertheless possible to sort out among the different belts, on the basis of scientific data.

How much does a slimming belt cost?

If you want to try one of these devices, be aware that prices fluctuate depending on the "technology" used.


(1) 2004, Roelants, Delecluse, Goris, Verschueren, Effects of 24 weeks of whole body vibration training on body composition and muscle strength in untrained females

(2) 2017, Zhou, Leung, Sun, The Effects of Low-Intensity Ultrasound on Fat Reduction of Rat Model

(3) 2013, Garcia Jr., Schafer, Effects of Nonfocused External Ultrasound on Tissue Temperature and Adipocyte Morphology

(4) 2015, Ingargiola, Motakef, Chung, Vasconez, Gordon, Sasaki, Cryolipolysis for Fat Reduction and Body Contouring: Safety and Efficacy of Current Treatment Paradigms

(5) 2018, Loap, Lathe, Mechanism Underlying Tissue Cryotherapy to Combat Obesity/Overweight: Triggering Thermogenesis