What tips and tricks for caring for monstera deliciosa if you are new to gardening?

03/12/2022 By acomputer 715 Views

What tips and tricks for caring for monstera deliciosa if you are new to gardening?

Either on your desk to clean the air and the atmosphere, or in the reception hall of a hotel or a company, the monstera deliciosa arises well depending on its size. A huge injustice has happened with this plant, probably because of the shape of its ribbed leaves which with a little more imagination would resemble the thorax of a skeleton. However horrible the association, you still grow your plant until it grows past human height and becomes almost a tree.What tips and tricks for caring for monstera deliciosa if you are new to gardening? What tips and tricks for caring for monstera deliciosa if you are new to gardening?

Where does the monstera deliciosa fit among houseplants?

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While green houseplants may not boast remarkable names, Monstera deliciosa is bound to be well remembered. Its fame isn't always downhill as you can spot its graphic sheets everywhere: from throw pillows to wallpaper and even printed on clothes.

This "menacing monster" but only because of its size is a tropical plant of the Araceae family. Its name, as one might guess, comes from Latin and means “abnormal” due to its openwork and strange-looking leaves that are often pierced with holes.

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In the wild of the jungle or in your exotic garden Monstera can grow enormous: a height of 3m and more is really considerable.

According to the catalogs, the best-known variety is the Monstera Deliciosa or Mexican breadfruit, in reference to its fruit in the shape of the cob of corn which would have the taste of a combination of pineapple, banana and mango. However, it is not at all delicious and eating the fruit is not a good idea. Very toxic before middle age, it can cause mouth irritation.

Another peculiarity of the monstera deliciosa is its resemblance to the philodendron. Although the two are related as part of the same plant family, an easy way to tell them apart is by looking at the leaves: split-leaved philodendrons have perforated foliage but lack holes.

Monstera deliciosa interview

What tips and tricks for the interview monstera deliciosa if you are new to gardening?

As one of the indoor plants that require low light, the Monstera needs a lot of space and requires a larger part of the home or building, especially the living room. She won't feel better in a tight corner or on a windowsill. Considering the centimeters it will gain, consider adding a small trellis or a pole nearby. If you can't care for a monstera deliciosa or yours is breaking apart, cut off a leaf or two and place them upright in a clear glass vase.

In order to keep it alive, you have to find a balance between sun and shade. If the plant gets too much sun, the leaves will turn yellow. If left in the dark, the plant will exhibit negative phototropism, resulting in new leaves growing towards the dark rather than the light. It's a pretty clever trick: in the jungle, darkness signals the presence of a taller tree that the monstera tries to outgrow to secure more light. As this is not possible in a living room, indirect sunlight is preferable.

How to water and how often?

About once a week you need to water the plant moderately and evenly. Wait until the soil is dry enough before repeating. She will feel comfortable in a humid environment. When the soil of a Monstera plant is dry to the touch and its leaves curl up and turn brown and crispy at the tips, it means a lack of water. On the contrary, in case of overwatering, the leaves turn yellow with possible blackish stems.

A member of the epiphyte family with aerial roots (a plant that grows on top of another plant in its natural habitat), monstera cannot tolerate soggy soil.

As a rule of thumb, once the top 2-4 inches of soil is dry, your Monstera can benefit from a little watering. If the plant is in a large pot, give it an average amount of water once a week during the growing season which is from spring to early fall. Reduce watering in winter.

Because it can be difficult to diagnose an overwatering or underwatering situation, when the plant is showing signs of stress, make a schedule to guide you. If you water all houseplants once a week, choosing Saturday as the X day, you will maintain their vitality for many years. Some plants like more water, others less. By checking the moisture content of the soil, you will decide on the frequency of watering. If the soil is soggy, do not water that week. Spend time every seven days watching for signs of stress or pests, dusting or pruning if necessary.

When to repot?

To curb excessive growth, avoid repotting too often and prune regularly by pinching new growth.

According to scientific speculation, on the one hand, the holes in the leaves of monstera deliciosa maximize the surface area and its ability to catch sunlight in the rainforest. On the other hand, the holes allow tropical showers to pass through the leaves, thus limiting possible damage. This explains Monstera's other name: the Hurricane Plant.

Which fertilizer to use?

As for fertilization, use delicate products. Once chosen, do not change fertilizer, add some to the water, every month during the growing season.

Around the stem, spread moss on the ground as well as pebbles and shells. This gives the plant a little extra boost and adds a special touch!