Why Kim Kardashian had to change the name of his line "Kimono"

12/06/2022 By acomputer 870 Views

Why Kim Kardashian had to change the name of his line "Kimono"

Par Mélody Thomas
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Le 25 juin dernier, Kim Kardashian annonçait le lancement de "Kimono", sa ligne de sous-vêtements inclusifs. Oui, mais voilà au Japon et sur les réseaux sociaux, le nom ne passe pas.

"Mes marques et mes produits sont construits autour des concepts d'inclusivité et de diversité, après mûre réflexion, je vais lancer ma marque de Solutionwear sous un nouveau nom. Je reviendrais bientôt vers vous". C'est par ces mots partagés sur un post Instagram daté du 1er juillet que Kim Kardashian, star de la téléréalité et à la tête aujourd'hui d'un vértiable empire met en pause le lancement de sa marque de sous-vêtements inclusifs. Sur fond d'appropriation culturelle - une accusation à laquelle elle est loin d'être étrangère - la plus connue des Kardashian a du reculer. Pourquoi Kim Kardashian a dû changer le nom de sa ligne Pourquoi Kim Kardashian a dû changer le nom de sa ligne

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A cultural appropriation that does not pass

It was June 25. Kim Kardashian announced the release of Kimono, his brand of sheathing and inclusive underwear whose objective is to refine the silhouette. "Kimono is my point of view on Shapewear and women's solutions that work really," said the American entrepreneur. Yes, but that's it. By launching her brand, the young woman was decided to deposit the Kimono brand name. An idea that does not pass since it refers to a traditional Japanese garment whose existence dates back to the 16th century. The reaction is not long in coming, on social networks the hashtag "Kimohno" makes Japan speak to the point of triggering a reaction from Daisaku Kadokawa, mayor of Kyoto, former imperial capital of the island. "Kimono is a traditional ethnic garment nourished in our rich nature and in our history thanks to the tireless efforts and studies of our predecessor. It is a cherished and careful culture," explains the mayor in his open letter before Explain "We are currently taking initiatives at the national level to make" kimono culture "a symbol of our heritage registered in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO". If at the beginning Kim Kardashian does not change the review insists From the New York Times to have just chosen the term because it symbolized beauty and delicacy, this July 1, 2019, it finally changed its mind. "I will launch my clothing brand under a new name. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for your understanding and your infallible support," she concluded on her Instagram post by thanking people to continue the 'Educating in its relationship to diversity. The launch of the brand, which was to take place at the beginning of the month, is therefore postponed. More than a simple controversy, this story proves that the questions of cultural appropriation are still not understood, But also that today the power of brands based on social networks is in the hands of the consumer. A refreshing turnaround which we will still find many echoes in future seasons.

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Pourquoi Kim Kardashian a dû changer le nom de sa ligne

