26 ways to reduce its environmental impact |National Geographic Geographic National Geographic

01/11/2022 By acomputer 610 Views

26 ways to reduce its environmental impact |National Geographic Geographic National Geographic

Sustainability, this is a big word.But on the scale of the things we all do, the smallest efforts can give great results.What we consume within our home can have an impact on the most important and vital ecosystems in the world;And to reverse the course of the devastating disappearance of species and biodiversity, we must simply take action.

On this land day, National Geographic inaugurates Planet Possible, a new initiative aimed at giving us the means to live a less aggressive life for our planet.In a world overwhelmed by the pandemic, some might think that this is not the most urgent problem, but in reality, the health of our environment is much more linked to the emergence of diseases like COVVI-19 thanwhat we can believe.

We all have all in our hands the power to make things happen in the right direction thanks to the choices that we make on a daily basis: here are 26 ideas to start now to change your life and the world.

Learn more about Planet possible

1.Buy less

Of all the raw materials that we subtract in nature to make them products, about two-thirds become waste.Consequently, for the good of the planet, we must get what we need in a lasting way and reconditioning what we no longer have the use.The future, if we want it prosperous and viable, must take a round form: that of a circular economy in which we make a parsimonious use of resources and recycons infinitely."In our conception of the circular economy, waste and pollution are eliminated, the materials and the products are reused, and nature regenerates, and all this on purpose," explains Dame Ellen MacArthur, founder of the Ellenmacarthur Foundation."An economy of this type would balance the needs of society with those of our planet.»»

2.Eat more plants

26 façons de réduire son impact environnemental | National Geographic National Geographic National Geographic

« L’élevage et la mise à mort des 80 milliards d’animaux qu’on mange chaque année laisse des séquelles phénoménales sur notre planète, principalement à cause des terres qu’il faut mobiliser pour la culture de leurs fourrages, qu’il s’agisse de soja, de maïs ou d’herbe»», explique le réalisateur Kip Andersen, à l’origine de Cowspiracy : le secret du développement durable et de Seaspiracy, documentaires sur l’environnement.According to him, "this is the main cause of destruction of housing, consumption and water pollution, deforestation and extinction of fauna.It replaces bio-diverse ecosystems with monocultures (soy, corn or grass) and unique species (cows, pigs or hens).»» Selon certaines estimations, le marché mondial des substituts de viande pèsera plus de 5,8 milliards d’euros en 2025, alors que les produits à base de plantes sont en train de convaincre les fans de viande les plus irréductibles qui se souciaient du bien-être animal et humain.In view of the high environmental cost of such production, limiting your consumption of meat and dairy products is one of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint - and incidentally to preserve your health.

3.At home, reduce your energy consumption

The French government has set itself the objective of changing the share of renewable energies by 9 % by 2030, going from 23 % of the gross energy consumption of energy in the territory in 2020 and 32 % of this consumptionin 2030.To achieve this goal, several aids have been created for individuals.

Among the aid for individual housing, there is the tax credit for the energy transition, the zero-rate eco-loan and the system of energy savings certificates.Nearly 10 million dwellings were beneficiaries of the tax credit for the energy transition between 2005 and 2013;A single rate of 30 % without resources is applied.As for the zero-rate eco-loan, it was set up within the framework of the 2009 finance law.With a maximum amount of € 30,000 allocated without resource conditions, it allows the financing of heavy energy renovation work of your main residence. Par cette aide, le gouvernement français a pour ambition d'éradiquer toutes les « passoires thermiques»» à l'horizon 2028.It is even a question of excluding them from the rental market.By reducing your energy bills - gas, heating, electricity or even air conditioning in summer - you will also significantly reduce your carbon footprint.