4 unstoppable tips to stay warm without turning on the heating

18/01/2023 By acomputer 556 Views

4 unstoppable tips to stay warm without turning on the heating

Design and house

Temperatures have been decreasing since fall in Belgium.It's time to gradually turn back on heating ... or not!Although it is sometimes essential to light it in winter, heating can be reduced and sometimes even turned off thanks to a few tips to stay warm at home.

1.The bottom of the stop-flow door

Also called "door beads", these small accessories can be very useful to avoid drafts, especially when a door or a window is poorly insulated.It is probably not the most aesthetic, but the most effective!

2.Thermal clothes

Sometimes it is enough to multiply the layers and the layers of sweaters.But carrying specific thermal clothes directly will be much more comfortable and efficient.We use his ski or sport accessories where we buy specific leggings or bodys for cocoonal at home.

3.A hot water bottle

This is the tip of grandmother par excellence.We opt for the cherry core pillow to warm up or for the traditional hot water bottle that is filled with boiling water.It is also an opportunity to get a little pleasant ritual under the plaid.

4.Thermal curtains

4 astuces imparables pour rester au chaud sans allumer le chauffage

If you want to get out of the big means, there are thermal curtains are "triple weaving" technology makes it possible to completely isolate the part of the outdoor air currents.They are also very useful to hide the light and soundproofed.

froid hiver maison chauffage
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