5 tips for playing even in bad weather

19/07/2022 By acomputer 685 Views

5 tips for playing even in bad weather

Because rain is not always a valid excuse so as not to put on your sports shoes, here are some tips to deal with bad weather.

Negative temperatures, rain, wind ... certain weather conditions make us want to stay all day under the duvet without going through the sport box.However, many joggers assure it: physical activity does not know a season.Winter is therefore not an obstacle to running, walking, cycling or even public sports.Results ?We motivate ourselves with 5 expert advice.

À lire également : 5 astuces pour éviter de se blesser en faisant son sport

Well equip

This is undoubtedly one of the basic rules.In winter, to continue playing sports outside, it is essential to opt for equipment designed to cope with bad weather.The most common error?Put on layers of thick clothes."Better to prefer '' Technique '' clothing '' that cuts wind and cold, which will dry quickly, without accumulating rainwater and perspiration rather than large thicknesses likely to become wet and serve yourself," advises Jérémy, Expert Les Bounds, mixed and committed community of cycling and triathlon.By bicycle for example, we put on long gloves and tights, a thermal jacket, a neck, shoe cover or a windbreaker vest.


With bad weather also comes the lack of motivation.The gray sky is undergoing morale and the desire to do any physical activity is absent subscribers.The trick?Opt for group training."The best way not to look at the weather before going out is to join your training group.When you know that you reach a group, it is much more difficult to give in to the Sirens of the Plaid and the Sofa, "assures us Jérémy.

Set a goal

5 astuces pour faire du sport même par mauvais temps

Another tip to motivate yourself in winter?Set a sporting objective.A first marathon, a first competition, a 15 km running… there are a thousand opportunities to challenge each other and thus not to raise the foot in its sporting practice.

Discover a new way of training

In winter, outdoor training takes on another dimension.With the shortened days, many joggers run in the early morning.An ideal technique to (re) discover landscapes, be attentive to nature and to increase your senses while moving your body.

Opt for outdoor sports

To avoid rain, wind and all winter joys, there is a radical solution: outdoor sport.Whether you practice physical activity at home or in the gym, the benefits remain the same!