50 disruptive proposals to build more and better of the procivis lab

17/01/2023 By acomputer 663 Views

50 disruptive proposals to build more and better of the procivis lab


Le Procivis Lab*, un think tank d'experts, fait 50 propositions pour lever les freins à la construction, en densifiant et construisant « vert » quitte à revoir certaines réglementations figées en France.50 propositions disruptives pour construire plus et mieux du Procivis Lab 50 propositions disruptives pour construire plus et mieux du Procivis Lab

We must always build in France, while preserving the environment, because the housing needs of the French remain immense.This is the postulate of a work entitled "50 Procivis proposals for zero net artificialization" published as the presidential election approaches.A study conducted by Samuel Depraz published in 2021 shows that in horizon for 10 years, there will continue to have additional housing needs throughout the territory, including in the territories on deprivation, notes the preamis.

These needs are estimated at 4.1 million dwellings.The mobilization of vacant housing, in addition to it could only be partial (part of the dwellings will remain vacant because of their location or their poor quality of construction), and construction on wasteland (far from being all mobilized) cannot meet the needs, says the procivis lab

Regarding the ZAN (zero net artificialization) objective) contained in the climate and resilience law, the Lab Procivis is concerned about the content of the decree of application of article 192 which establishes a nomenclature of the artificial soil as well as the scaleto which it must be taken into account.

He recommends reasoning on the scale of the plot for already artificialized land and suggests, for new operations, to integrate into artificialization only the constructed spaces, the roads and access.

Artificialization: reasoning on the scale of the plot for the batî

A reasoning on the scale of the plot for the existing frame is indeed essential to carry out restructuring operations-densification of low dense urban spaces, in particular the suburban areas from the 1960s to 80s, he estimates.

50 propositions disruptives pour construire plus et mieux du Procivis Lab

Participants are also concerned about the risk of construction freezing during the adjustment period and recommend that it be solemnly recalled that the authorizations issued during this temporary period are under the empire of the current legal regime.

Furthermore, the Procivis Lab proposes on the one hand to initiate a systematic census and an updating of wasteland, at least in urban areas: indeed, there are today 7,000 sites classified as wasteland, but we estimate their total numbernearly 300,000.

It is therefore important to identify them, analyze them and qualify them because some are abandoned, when others can be partially occupied.In addition, the list should be held regularly because new wasteland may appear, for example with certain obsolete commercial surfaces adds the LAB.

Optimize the wasteland and optimize the use of available land

On the other hand, it proposes to perpetuate the existence of the fallow funds (and not only to prolong it) in order to carry out, in the coming decade, the operations of reconstruction of the city on the city to accompany depollution and demolitions.

To optimize the use of available land, the reflection group wishes to establish minimum density criteria depending on the urban environment.It proposes to introduce the possibility of derogating from the rules of the PLU (Local Urban Plan) by authorizing higher constructions than the prescriptions of the PLU in order to allow the realization of an acroter, a terrace, or even ashared garden.

Likewise, he suggests that a building permit that would respect the prescriptions of the PLU in terms of height and template is considered automatically accepted beyond a period of 2 months and that corollary, a community cannot refuse a PCComplies with prescriptions.

Use of new materials: take into account the solutions proven in Europe

If these proposals aim to facilitate the construction of housing, they also take into account the use of new materials in alternative at least partially in concrete and recycling, underlines the lab.

Favorable to the use of bio -based materials, participants note that these new materials do not meet all the needs and all the required imperatives, by regulation, in a construction."Thus, some were able to point out that wood did not offer all the qualities of soundproofing for example that a customer expects from a built accommodation" he notes.

Favorable to the use of materials that can be combined with others, participants regret, however, that technical solutions commonly used in other countries of the European Union cannot be used in France.

Simplified approval for approved processes in the EU

And to emphasize that the technical regulations deployed by the CSTB only take into account the techniques proven in other countries such as Germany.Result: French insurers rule out insurance coverage of constructive techniques widely used elsewhere, according to them.

Beyond a right to experimentation, participants propose that the constructive processes developed elsewhere in the EU are subject to simplified approval as soon as they are approved in another country and used without damage duringa certain period (for example 3 years).

Another proposal: since wood is an essential material for raising buildings, let us use it in dense areas, offers Lab.Its assets (ecological, ease of prefabrication and speed of implementation) can provide answers, especially for condominiums, the participants are part of.

Vertical city: integrate it from design

Finally, we note among the 50 proposals, the reflection on "the vertical city", to be able to integrate it from the design of a building with the possible technical constraints.It is a question of immediately thinking of a vertical diversification of uses (parking lots, shops, offices, housing with or without services).And to avoid mono-uses, often generating later of demolitions, depolutions and reconstruction ... which also implies thinking about the reversibility of buildings from the outset, proposes the procivis lab.

Finally, in order to promote more dense and greener cities, the latest think tank proposals aim to inscribe an environmental component in the development permit and create green ORTs (revitalization operations of the territory) which could give the right toSpecific reinforced tax aid...

About the Procivis network

Global operator, at the same time builder, promoter, developer, social landlord, and manager, present throughout the territory, the Procivis network brought together for a semester a dozen executives and as many external personalities, on a monthly basis, forreflect and exchange a day for.

They auditioned specialists in different questions to better understand and reflect on the following subject: Build more, better, greener and more economical with natural spaces.

Learn more about the 50 Procivis proposals

Stella Gass, Director of the National Federation of Scot, Yannick Borde, President of Procivis, Franck Petit, Director of Nine Procivis Housing

Source: Batirama.Com/ Fabienne Leroy