An extraordinary wig with Biscarosse the weekly newsletter in Biscarosse

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An extraordinary wig with Biscarosse the weekly newsletter in Biscarosse

August 19, 2021

The Grail, my Grail!I do not know where to start.My god what hunting, what an exceptional animal.I don't have enough superlatives to qualify this animal that would drive any brocade hunter crazy!It all started with a phone call Friday afternoon: -allo Franck?It's Stéphane de Biscarosse!Are you still interested in hunting a wig brocade?- Yes of course the friend what a question!And in addition I am still in the sector but more for a long time I go back in the North Sunday!- Ok, so if you are available comes immediately we have a huge one and the other hunters cannot make themselves available immediately and we are afraid to lose it given the advanced state of his wig!- We can go out tomorrow night and Sunday morning if it's ok for you!- Bingo I would be there!I let you imagine the night I spent and the state of nervous tension in which I was on Saturday before taking off for the two hours of road separating me from the Cel of Biscarosse.Before my departure I check my weapon at 100 and 200 meters, everything is nickel!At 6 p.m. I am in Saint-Eulalie in Born and Sébastien my guide for the evening arrives and heads for the entrance to the military domain ... Once the methods of use have been carried out and the checking of the setting at 100 meters we leave on the field.Seb explains to me in what type of biotope we will evolve and the difficulty that we risk meeting given the land exposed recently for military operations.We first evolve in wood until we lead to an almost lunar landscape made of sands, dunes and small thorn bushes.Indeed I realize that if it is in the middle of that we will have to play tight so as not to type in it!Besides, it starts badly because a very correct wooden brocade we take off in the feet without us having seen it despite the few vegetation ... The animals go to bed in land depression and are almost invisible.We therefore advance with a wolf and at each top of the dune we pass the head cautiously to scrutinize each corner of land.Seb then tells me that he believes that he saw a fox lying at the foot of a building 500 meters away.I put my binoculars on it and I have a doubt.I stick my pirsh rod with the magnification × 30 of my twin: it's him!He is lying and we only see him the rear train and the top of the head!Which animal!At this distance we already see this incredible mass which gesticulates to hunt the flat flies which harass it.We must therefore consider an approach strategy to make a clean and effective shot because we will not have two chances!We decide to opt for a detour to the wind and sheltered from his gaze by the bottom of a valley and to go up on him to a promontory which would put us, according to my rangefinder, 150 meters fromHim in lying on the sand mound.Everything takes place as planned and we start to go up by crawling over a few hundred meters to the hill where I could take support.I sweat with big drop and the tension is at its maximum.We arrive slowly at the top and I pass my backpack in front of me with the rifle placed on it.My guide tells me that he is in a depression of land and that he only sees the point of his "miter" above the sand ... I shift slightly towards him and actually ends up seeing him.I rangefree at 166 meters, rule my telescope, and position myself to be very calm and wedged on my bag.Now you have to wait for him to get up.I am suddenly strangely calm and serene, I share it with my guide who confirms me to feel it and that it is enough to be patient now.This patience is put to the test because it will be no less than 45 minutes that we will see it gesticulate and offer us the vision of his disabling adornment in all seams! Suddenly everything is accelerating and we see him straightening our heads!He's going to get up for sure now!He is now standing and the green light from Seb makes me position my bright reticle on his left shoulder slightly 3/4.I am surprised by the departure of the blow and the losing sight but the sound of the impact and the "waidmanns" of my great guide reassures me.The "buck fever" then takes hold of me and I am taken with uncontrollable trembling.I hit the ground of fist: name of God what hunt!What an animal!Thank you my friend thank you!After a frank hug we head towards the Anschluss and discover it in his last layer of brambles, sand and heather.I let you admire this "curiosity" of nature which will forever remain the highest point of my life as passionate about brocade hunter!

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