A restaurant, a rolex, and the return of rumors for 2022

18/08/2022 By acomputer 785 Views

A restaurant, a rolex, and the return of rumors for 2022

There is a funny atmosphere today in political Paris.As if the planet had stopped turning.Six months from the presidential election, all eyes are riveted on her.Commentators, journalists, politicians...All resume their rights of television and media passage after the general weaning of the pandemic.And dinners and lunches are multiplying.Parisian rumors left more beautiful, as in the good old days.Last February, Jacques Attali had also published a fairly explosive blog note on the management of the pandemic by governments, pointing to the inconsistency (but the usefulness)) to close all restaurants while other public places continuedSo to be opened.

In this kind of rant, entitled "Eating is to speak", the former Sherpa of François Mitterrand wrote: "Restaurants are not only a place of food consumption.They are, with the family meal, the main places of conversation, and transmission.However, powers, in all societies, do not like people chattering by eating: they exchange information there;They discuss political subjects there;They organize coalitions there;All this beyond the control of power, which knows nothing about what is said;very dangerous for him.»»

Obviously, while for the first time since the start of the pandemic, TVs have suddenly stopped talking about the health front, doctors have finally given way to policies.It must be said that the figures of the new contaminations are today relatively stable (despite some clusters here and there, and an start of the cases we are breathing...)).Ditto, Parisian restaurants have resumed their right. Et « les gens»» se seront remis à bavarder, beaucoup.And political leaders again start to make plans on the comet, to reflect on possible alliances for the second round, to be plotted with their respective troops.

Place to democratic centralism

And sometimes, life taking up as before, political news struck that of the news.This is how we learned that the deputy LREM Coralie Dubost had been attacked in the 7th arrondissement at the exit of a restaurant.We first learn that the companion of said deputy was stolen his rolex and 2000 euros in cash.Finally, the interested party denies the second information and ultimately evokes a flight of a few tens of euros.Faced with this scandalous aggression, Jean-Louis Gagnaire, a framework of territories of progress, the new center-left movement which supports Emmanuel Macron at the next presidential election, makes a tweet in which, while denouncing the attack, hesurprises on the above -ground side of her colleague deputy by pointing the fact that she has a rolex.It is true that in these times of energetic scarcity for the French, and of payment of taxes, any distinctive sign of wealth is not necessarily welcome. Pour Emmanuel Macron, la petite musique du « candidat des riches»» pourrait réapparaitre très rapidement.

Admittedly, the tweet of Jean-Louis Gagnaire was clumsy, but the reaction on the side of the Directorate of Territories of Progress also questions. Quelques heures après avait lieu en effet une « visio»» (comme quoi, tout n'a pas changé, le nouveau monde de la pandémie laisse visiblement encore des traces dans nos différentes communautés...)) rassemblant les délégués départementaux et régionaux du mouvement (ils étaient 66 à être connectés)), avec deux haut cadres de « TDP»», Olivier Dussopt, ministre délégué chargé des Comptes publics, et nommé président du mouvement il y a quelques jours, et Xavier Lacovelli, sénateur LREM des Hauts de Seine, et nommé directeur général. Lors de cette « visio»», Jean Louis Gagnaire a reçu un savon mémorable, comme s'il avait échoué à devenir le manager de la semaine...

Un restaurant, une Rolex, et le retour des rumeurs pour 2022

Autant dire que le message était clair : à « TDP»», on est droit dans ses bottes, ou l'on démissionne ! Un déçu parmi d'autres du macronisme, et revenu des promesses de 2017, lâche son amertume :« Le message est clair : toute parole qui n'est pas dans le rang sera considérée comme dissidente.It is enough in the image of which the relatives of Emmanuel Macron conceive democracy in the various movements which are supposed to support him in the presidential election.You are with us, or against us. Manifestement, Emmanuel Macron craint un phénomène de « chapellisation»». Il n'en voulait pas en 2017, il n'en veut toujours pas aujourd'hui»».

Cette réaction est à replacer dans le contexte de « TDP»» qui a vu les ministres Dussopt et Wargon remporter la direction il y a quelques jours face à l'ancien socialiste Gilles Savary.The latter clearly defended an autonomous line, including compared to the President of the Republic, while supporting it. Bref, le temps du « nouveau monde»» est définitivement enterré, place au centralisme démocratique.And yet this desire for control will not be enough to ensure the victory.

Because city noises have been swelling for a few days.Rumors also.As much, in September, the games were made for most commentators: Macron was necessarily the future winner. Aujourd'hui, changement d'ambiance : et si, après « Monsieur Z»», une autre surprise n'allait pas survenir ? Un peu comme en 2017.The media, in any case, scalded by Z and M, try by all means to find their new stars.They then rush on all the little crisp stories.M, the Magazine du Monde, will release an article on bibbilles between the young Lions of Macronie.On the program: Beaune, Lecornu, and stays, who shoot themselves in the legs to ensure the best place for the future campaign, as we pointed out during our previous column.

The return of Hollande, Sarkozy and Philippe?

But, above all, with each declaration of each other, speculation is rudder. Cette semaine, c'est au tour de François Hollande de surprendre son monde en sortant un nouveau livre, intitulé « Affronter»» (Stock, 20,90 euros)), dans lequel il règle notamment ses comptes avec les uns et les autres.The lines that the former president devotes to his former collaborator are particularly sharp, also in the form of self-criticism: "Contrary to what many imagine, by repeating agreed and excessive formulas, Emmanuel Macron is not the servile representativeof the dominant social class or the zealous spokesperson for the big employers (...)) He is much more the standard bearer of a technostructure often ignorant of the real life of the French and which has been enthroned for years, of the study commissions in relations of experts, the same refrains on the archaisms of our country, whichrelentlessly advocates alignment with the supposed performance of our neighbors.This technostructure people people both the high administration and the superior supervision of large companies.Confident in the quality of the French public service, I myself appealed, for the composition of ministerial firms, to recognized skills. Mais en dépit de leur savoir faire, ces élites souscrivent toutes, peu ou prou, aux mêmes principes de gestion»».

These few lines indeed point to one of the French evils par excellence: the grip of this caste of some very high civil servants, including capitalism. Mais, on le voit, l'autre travers du « nouveau monde»», est cet enfantillage constant, mêlé d'un néo stalinisme.

Coté rumeurs, on en aura pour notre argent : les uns pariant sur le retour d'Hollande (qui se permet de donner quelques conseils à cette chère Anne Hidalgo)), les autres sur une arrivée surprise de Sarkozy (remonté comme un coucou suite à ses différents épisodes judiciaires)), « en février»», nous dit-on dans le jeu présidentiel, pour les autres encore, Philippe n'a pas renoncé...As an air of deja-vu.In Paris, political time has resumed its rights.Not sure that the French meet there.

Marc Endeweld

7 minutes

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