Air pollution: France sentenced by the Council of State to pay 10 million euros

06/07/2022 By acomputer 701 Views

Air pollution: France sentenced by the Council of State to pay 10 million euros

Le Conseil d'Etat a tranché ce mercredi 4 août 2021. La haute juridiction a condamné l'Etat pour n'avoir pas atteint ses objectifs de réduction de la pollution de l'air.Pollution de l'air : la France condamnée par le Conseil d'Etat à payer 10 millions d'euros Pollution de l'air : la France condamnée par le Conseil d'Etat à payer 10 millions d'euros

Par Johann FoucaultPublié le
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The Council of State has decided.This Wednesday, August 4, 2021, the highest administrative court in France sentenced the State to a fine of 10 million euros for not having succeeded in taking "sufficient" measures to reduce pollution and thus improve the quality ofthe air.

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10 million per semester late

Pollution de l'air : la France condamnée par le Conseil d'Etat à payer 10 millions d'euros

"If measures have been taken, the Council of State considers today that they will not improve the situation within the shortest possible period, because the implementation of some of them remains uncertain andTheir effects have not been assessed, ”said the institution in a press release.

These 8 most affected areas in France are: Grenoble, Lyon, Marseille-Aix, Reims, Strasbourg and Toulouse for nitrogen dioxide, Fort-de-France for fine particles, and Paris for nitrogen dioxide andfine particles.

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This record sum of 10 million euros can be renewed in six months if the decision is not fully executed."The Council of State will assess government actions for the second half of the year 2021 at the beginning of 2022 and will decide whether the state will have to pay a new on -call," said the institution.

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