Cannabis: how the judicial police led the hunt

26/07/2022 By acomputer 799 Views

Cannabis: how the judicial police led the hunt

The Netherlands are not at a contradiction near.They export their hemp seeds without complex ... while disseminating their survey techniques to flush out cannabic production centers.In the central management of the judicial police, in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), the know-how of the stups will soon be the subject of wide dissemination within the police stations and the gendarmeries, in the form ofA "guide of the investigator on the culture of cannabis indoors".History to broadcast the "colleagues" the good reflexes.This is that this culture leaves a "signature".

La plante réclame entre 20 et 28°C pour pousser, et de l'eau à profusion.To flush it out, the ideal is to have a helicopter in winter with infrared camera.He will be able to detect strangely heated warehouses, while they are supposed to be disused or contain cold products, such as wood or cement.The police can also peel the water and electricity bills transmitted to the owners of the hangars or the shady pavilions.Because sodium lamps, essential for plant growth, but also the fans used to ventilate production rooms, consume enormously.In Tignes, recently, an apartment cannabulteur was betrayed by his excesses of kilowatts.Another method: monitor the garbage cans of industrial zones.Because hemp, we only sell the floral tops, those which concentrate the psychotropic substance.The rest, or 90% of the plant, is not preserved, "even if some traffickers use sheets of sheets and stems to cut the product and thus increase their benefit," explains a police commander.

All equipment on the Internet

Police tracking is also on the internet, where traffickers find their equipment: lamps, fans, fertilizers, and seeds, of course.No less than 400 "growthshops" are accommodated in France, under cover of harmless gardening activities.In the Netherlands, the Sensi Seed site praises its "cannabis bank" in all languages.We sell ventilated culture rooms, similar to carship racks, "flowering boosters" and even what to learn to "cultivate with the moon", to optimize growth according to the lunar calendar.From the "Shiva Shanti" to 20 euros per ten seeds, to the "Marley's Collie", at 120 euros, "variety of Ganja that celebrates the brilliant Bob Marley", the bank offers hundreds of varieties.And even derivative products: cap, t-shirt, playing cards.The whole will be deliverable in express parcels, around the world.Barely less explicit "gardening" sites "grow" from Saint-Laurent-du-Var in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis).And the cyberpolice collects information on those who connect to it to do their shopping.With however this handicap to overcome: in France, to have these seeds of artificial paradise delivered is not a criminal offense, just a sprain in the administrative rules which protect tricolor agriculture ...

Cannabis : comment la police judiciaire mène la traque

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