COVID-19: a protocol to protect workers on construction sites

27/06/2022 By acomputer 737 Views

COVID-19: a protocol to protect workers on construction sites

Covid-19 : un protocole pour protéger les ouvriers sur les chantiersS'abonnerS'abonnerPassCréer mon comptePassSe connecter Recherche Magazine Magazine NewslettersServicesAppels d'offresFormationsÉvénementsEmploiÉditionsKheoxFournisseurs BTPWebinarsIndices-IndexConstructions et talentsMon compteMes informationsMes newslettersMon fil d'actualité personnaliséAnalyses de JurisprudencesIndices-IndexMon contrat Pass Contact DéconnexionEn direct

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    Ministries and professional BTP organizations have agreed on the need to maintain activity in the construction sector.To ensure acceptable working conditions on construction sites despite the epidemic, a protocol must be drawn up by Tuesday, March 24.

    Covid-19 : un protocole pour protéger les ouvriers sur les chantiers

    This Friday, March 20 in the morning, a conference call was held between the ministers Elisabeth Borne, Murielle Pénicaud and Julien Denormandie and the representatives of the main professional construction organizations, Bruno Cavagné (FNTP), Jacques Chanut (FFB) and Patrick Liébus (CAPEB).On the menu of discussions: organize the continuity of the activity on the sites despite the epidemic of COVID-19.

    In the exchanges, the tension came down from a notch compared to the last hours."Things calm down," confirmed Bruno Cavagné at the end of this meeting.Faced with this exceptional situation, everyone is now looking for solutions to put the construction at work under acceptable safety conditions ”.

    A activity recovery protocol for Tuesday

    The different parties even agreed on an action plan.It consists of "developing, by Tuesday, March 24, a protocol that allows employees working on construction sites," continues the president of the National Federation of Public Works.

    This tool, which will be designed with the support of the Professional Building and Public Works Organization (OPPBTP), will have to be a vast consensus.“In the weekend, we hope to be able to present the first elements to the ministries and unions.This protocol should then be validated by the Ministry of Labor as well as that of solidarity and health, ”explains Bruno Cavagné.

    Content to be developed in an emergency

    Very difficult for the time to anticipate the precise content of the document.The use of masks does not seem possible, hospitals being already insufficiently provided."We will have to deal with the conditions of access to the site, but also of on -site security with probably temperature sockets of employees, the mechanization of manual tasks ...", evokes Bruno Cavagné.

    Even if the initiative was to succeed, the recovery will not be instantaneous and will also depend on the configuration of the construction sites.“There will be inertia, but the conditions will be met so that the construction activity takes up little by little.Once the hard point has passed, we will have to make up for the delay and we will then need more overtime quotas of overtime, "concludes the president of the FNTP.

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