Damart launches its vocal application on Google Home

12/02/2023 By acomputer 648 Views

Damart launches its vocal application on Google Home

Damart launches its 1st vocal application for smartphones and Google Home connected speakers."Ok Google, it's a duck cold, I need a Damart!""This is what you can ask Google aloud.Customers thus order thermal underwear.Damart, the keyword to trigger practical questions, customers will invoke the Google assistant via their smartphone or a Google Home connected speaker, saying "Ok Google I want to speak with Damart".

Then we let ourselves be guided by answering a few questions."Do you want a thermolactyl for men, women or children?"For cool, cold or icy?With these questions, the Damart voice determines thermolactyl adapted to the style and level of user activity.The selection of ad-hoc products arrives by SMS on the user's smartphone.He must then click to order the model that interests him and receive a welcome voucher.Store address by SMS

Damart lance son application vocale sur Google Home

For customers who prefer to go to the store, Damart indicates the address of the nearest store, still by SMS.This application was launched this Tuesday, December 17, in France and in French -speaking Belgium.

Damart broadcasts its collections in multi -channel, stores, catalog, and web.Damart is a brand of the Damartex group.In 2018, Group's turnover reached 413 million euros.It employs 2000 employees.It has 150 stores in Europe, including 93 in France and 600 partner points of sale worldwide.

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