Damartex Damartex: extra-financial performance declaration 2019-2020

31/10/2022 By acomputer 810 Views

Damartex Damartex: extra-financial performance declaration 2019-2020

The year 2019-2020 was marked by the acceleration of the implementation of the CSR policy of the Damartex group.Convinced that business and sustainable development have become inseparable, we have placed CSR at the heart of our new model.We have called this strategic axis of our transformation: Change our World.Our ambition is not to change the world but to make our contribution.

At the origin of this approach, in 2013 we created an internal working group on responsible purchases by having us supported by an external firm specializing in this theme.

In 2014, we wrote our charter of responsible purchasing Damartex Way, a real commitment between Damartex and its partners, focused on respect for human rights, working conditions, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.This charter is signed by suppliers.We have also trained all of our buyers to this theme, considering that their involvement was a guarantee of success.

In 2015, in coherence with these values we joined the United Nations World Pact in order to mark our desire to support the 10 principles and we created the CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) position).

DAMARTEX Damartex : Déclaration de performance extra-financière 2019-2020

In continuation of this membership, in 2017 we joined the for compliance and sustainability initiative (ICS) in order to act with our peers to permanently improve the conditions of man at work and support suppliers responsible, in order tomake them actors in their progress process.

In 2018, the group developed its raison d'être, non -statutory, "We Seniors'side".To be alongside seniors is also to commit to them beyond the business.It is on this commitment that we decided to create our business foundation.We Seniors' Side Foundation is an extension of our activity and it is a great lever of motivation, pride, quest for meaning and creation of synergy between us.

In September 2019, we joined Fashion Pact, thus committing to reduce, jointly with the other actors in the textile sector, our environmental impact on the 3 challenges that are climate, biodiversity and oceans.

Through this declaration of extra-financial performance we want, in all sincerity, to demonstrate how we have identified the crucial issues of our activity and started to implement actions allowing us to limit our impact.A long path remains to be traveled, our ambitions are a reflection of our commitment which is part of a process of continuous improvement and transparency.

Joséphine Biernacki,

Chief Sustainability Officer