Ecological transition: new measures for 2022

20/10/2022 By acomputer 650 Views

Ecological transition: new measures for 2022

Circular economy, anti-gaspillage and recycling

Fight against single -use plastic

1/End of plastic packaging around certain fruits and vegetables.As of January 1, 2022, it was around thirty unprocessed fresh fruits and vegetables that will be sold without plastic, including fifteen vegetables: leeks, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes and carrots, round tomatoes, onions andNavets, cabbage, flower cabbage, squash, parsnips, radishes, Jerusalem artichokes, root vegetables.On the fruit side, these are in particular apples, pears, oranges, clementines, kiwis, mandarins, lemons, grapefruits, plums, melons, pineapple, mangoes, passion fruit, kakis, etc..that we will find on stalls without plastic packaging from 2022.

2/ Prohibition of plastic toys offered in certain menus: restaurants wishing to continue the free distribution of toys with their children's menus will have to offer in other materials, such as wood or cardboard.

3/ End of plastic delivery of newspapers, magazines and advertisements, which must be delivered without packaging or with packaging made with another material, such as paper.

4/Obligation for establishments open to the public (stations, libraries, schools, universities, hospitals...) to allow free and free access to one or more drinking water points (to avoid the purchase of plastic water bottles).

Creation of new REPs "with expanded producers' liability"

In France, under the principle of "polluter pays", the one who manufactures a product must finance his end of life: it is the extended responsibility of the producer (REP).New sectors will thus be created and concern toys, sports and leisure items and DIY and garden items.

Prohibition to eliminate unsold non -food

The elimination of unsuccessful non -food is prohibited, companies must now give or recycle their unsold products.This prohibition concerns products covered by REP (Clothing, furniture, electrical and electronic products sectors...), hygiene and childcare products, awakening and leisure products, school books and supplies, preservation and cooking equipment for food.

In the medium term, it is the entire industrial sector which will have to rethink the management of its stocks in order to reduce overproduction.

Creation of funds dedicated to re -use and repair

Certain REP channels must create funds dedicated to financing re-use and repair, via their eco-organization.The objective is to reduce the cost of repair for the consumer when he goes to a repairer labeled.

Participation of marketplaces in the REP channels

The Market Places (Amazon, Cdiscount...) must ensure that, for the products they sell and which are covered by the REP channels, the producers have well financed eco-organisms.

Deployment of the Triman logo to promote sorting

To find more efficient sorting, a unique logo will be affixed to all products.It will mean that the product should not be thrown into the household waste tank and that it can be sorted.In parallel with the logo, the sorting methods will also be specified: resumption in stores for electrical and electronic equipment, specific terminals for batteries, yellow trash can for packaging...

Consumer information on greenhouse gas emissions linked to their internet and mobile consumptions

Internet access providers and mobile operators will have to communicate to their subscribers the greenhouse gas emissions linked to their internet and mobile consumptions.This information will make consumers aware of the impact of their digital consumption on the environment and the climate.

Extension of the legal guarantee period of compliance

The legal compliance guarantee for used products is extended by 6 months.From now on, a lack of conformity that appeared within 12 months on a second -hand purchased product is presumed to exist at the time of purchase, unless proven otherwise.

An extension of 6 months is also applied to the legal guarantee of compliance for a device repaired in the context of the legal guarantee of conformity.Concretely, if a new household appliance breaks down during its two -year legal guarantee period and it is repaired, the warranty is then extended by six months.The consumer thus has 24 months of warranty to which are added 6 additional months.This measure should allow the consumer to keep their product longer, to encourage repair and to save money.

Transition écologique : les nouvelles mesures pour 2022

Collection of new specific waste in stores

Used furniture, empty or full dangerous products (paintings, glues and cleaning products with risky substances) and combustible gas cartridges can be taken up in stores from January 1, 2022.


Implementing the new European organic regulation

New rules will apply on January 1, 2022 for organic production.They are inscribed in the basic regulations adopted in 2018 which defines the general principles and the main rules of organic farming.This new regulation is supplemented by fifteen regulatory texts on often technical subjects.Several major changes will come into force on January 1, 2022:

1/ new categories of seeds available for organic farming have been defined to provide organic farmers with equipment more suited to their needs and to the service of agricultural biodiversity;

2/ a certain number of new measures aimed at the well-being of animals are also on the agenda, such as the ban on mutilation (eBecquering, teeth size);

3/ Products that were not covered by European regulations will be able to benefit from the organic label in the future: these are in particular farm animals such as rabbits and deer, essential oils, salt, etc..;

4/ The regulation finally contains new rules concerning the use of aromas and additives but also imports, making compliance with the European specifications the rule of exchange with third countries.


Wind power: Oreol database

The Oreol database, making it possible to visualize the parks in service on the territory, the projects authorized or under investigation, is online from January 1, 2022.It will be supplied over the water by wind developers for new projects, and six months after its online, for projects already underway on January 1, 2022.

Modification of the regulations relating to the installations of land wind turbines

Two new ministerial orders modify the regulations relating to land wind facilities from January 1, 2022 by introducing:


1/ un contrôle acoustique systématique à réception pour les parcs éoliens;

2/ un nouveau critère d'appréciation de l'impact sur les radars Météo France;

3/ la possibilité de réutiliser les postes de livraison, les câbles et les fondations en cas de renouvellement;

4/ an increase in the amount of financial guarantees, consistent with the technological development of the sector.

Housing and building

Launch of France Renov ', the public service to renovate its accommodation

France Renov 'is the new name of the public service of the renovation of the housing piloted by the Anah.Consulting spaces and renovation points Information Service of the ANAH (taken) become the Consulting France Renov 'spaces from January 1, 2022 the unique entry point to guide the French in their renovation work.This reference service provides neutral, free and independent information and advice.He also accompanies households throughout their journey through the specific offer "my guide Renov '".

The France Rénov 'network is present throughout the territory with nearly 450 counters and is available via the and at 0808 80 0700.

LAUNCH OF ECO ENERGIE Tertiary to declare building and consumption data

Eco -tertiary energy is a regulatory obligation which requires a gradual reduction in energy consumption in buildings for tertiary use (surface of 1,000 m² or more) in order to combat climate change.From January 1, 2022, the taxable taxes must declare their buildings and energy consumption on Laplateforme Operat (Observatory of the energy performance of the renovation and the actions of the tertiary) of the ADEME.

Implementing the RE2020, new environmental regulations for new buildings

The environmental regulation of new buildings, called RE2020, will replace the current thermal regulations, RT2012.It will apply to individual houses and collective housing for which the building permit is deposited from January 1, 2022 and to the office and teaching buildings for which the building permit is deposited from July 1, 2022.

The three main objectives pursued through the RE2020 are:

1/ donner la priorité à la sobriété énergétique et à la décarbonation de l'énergie;

2/ diminuer l'impact carbone de la construction des bâtiments;

3/ guarantee comfort in case of high heat.

Thus, in addition to strengthening the energy performance requirements of new buildings compared to RT2012, the RE2020 improves the taking into account of summer comfort and introduces the environmental dimension by establishing requirements relating to the carbon impact of thebuilding on its life cycle from its construction.In order to set a trajectory of reducing the environmental impact of building construction, the requirements will be gradually reinforced every three years until 2031.


Strengthening the penalty related to CO2 emissions from vehicles and extension of the current scale of the bonus to help the acquisition of clean vehicles

From January 1, 2022, a new scale of the Malus on CO2 emissions of cars will apply to new vehicles.This development had been provided for in late 2020 by article 55 of the finance law for 2021.It will apply from 128 grams of CO2/km instead of 133 grams of CO2/km in 2021.For this level of pollution, taxation will be € 50.The threshold of € 1,000 will be reached from 151 grams of CO2/km (€ 1074), instead of 156 grams of CO2/km in 2021.The last section of the scale will amount to € 40,000 for vehicles with a CO2 rate greater than 223 grams of CO2/km (instead of € 30,000 in 2021 for the more than 218 grams of CO2/km).

In return for these developments, and in a context of high recent increase in fuel prices, the scale of the ecological bonus, subsidizing the acquisition of clean vehicles, which was initially reduced by an amount of € 1,000 on January 1, 2022, isfinally maintained at its current level for an additional 6 -month period.Individuals will thus be able to continue to benefit on January 1, 2022, for example, aid of € 6,000 for the acquisition of a new electric or hydrogen car of less than € 45,000.

Entrée en vigueur du malus sur le poids des véhicules de tourisme > 1800kg

Proposed by the Citizen Convention for the Climate, the mass tax in walking order (penalty weight) will come into force on January 1.It will apply to new passenger vehicles weighing more than 1.8 tonnes (1,800 kg), with a unit rate of € 10 per excess kilogram.To take into account specific personal situations (large families, invalid people, etc..) d'une part; des spécificités techniques liées aux véhicules les plus performants sur le plan environnemental (véhicules électriques, hydrogène ou hybrides rechargeables d'une autonomie suffisante) d'autre part, des abattements ou des exonérations, suivant les cas, ont été intégrés au dispositif.Utility vehicles, on the other hand, are not affected by the tax.

Digital transition to the maraud of taxis

The connection obligation to the taxi availability register, says the Taxi, comes into force for all taxis in France.This free digital public service reinvents maraud, practice monopoly of taxis characterized by the possibility of circulating slowly outside regulatory stations to meet customers.The user can now from his smartphone Hilk a taxi less than 500 m and without approach costs.

To be visible in public space, a taxi has the obligation to be equipped with a bright indicating its availability.He must now also indicate this availability with the taxi availability register "the taxi".To do this, he must install an approved mobility application which will make available his location data.Thanks to this register, all taxis in France will be available and commissionable in mobility applications.

Industrial risks

Safety of risk industrial sites (following the fire in Lubrizol and Normandy Logistics in September 2019 in Rouen)

The obligation to keep up to date with a state of stored materials comes into force for the storage warehouses of combustible materials, flammable liquids, transit waste sorting installations and seveso facilities.This state must be available in two formats, the first format for state services for the management of an accidental event, the second to meet the information needs of the population in this same framework.

The decrees supervising the flammable liquid sites classified for registration or declaration also come into force, thus completing the implementation of the action plan on the regulations relating to flammable liquids.

For authorization warehouses, it is the provision for the anticipation of the first environmental samples in the event of an accident that comes into force.In addition, for warehouses with an internal operation plan, it becomes compulsory to define the provisions to be implemented for cleaning and rehabilitation of the site, as well as the organization to fight against a firemore than 2 hours.

Mathilde Emery

Photo @maxim chuev

For more information, consult the anti-winning law for a circular economy and government measures to combat plastic pollution and government plan for the circular economy.

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