Energy efficiency in the industry: the counter of France Relaunch is open

02/03/2023 By acomputer 855 Views

Energy efficiency in the industry: the counter of France Relaunch is open

Sur présentation d’un devis pour accord préalable, puis d’une facture, les industriels peuvent obtenir jusqu’à 3 M€ de subvention pour l’installation de 18 types d’équipements différentsEfficacité énergétique dans l’industrie : le guichet de France Relance est ouvert Efficacité énergétique dans l’industrie : le guichet de France Relance est ouvert

Published at the beginning of September, France was releasing for the industry, an envelope 1.2 billion euros over the period 2020-2022 to "improve energy efficiency, develop manufacturing processes, in particular through theelectrification, and decarbonizes heat production ”.The installation of equipment opening up to grant is perfectly within the reach of electric engineering and climate engineering companies.

Dans le détail, ces sommes devaient être rendues accessibles de deux manières différentes : des appels à projets lancés par l’Ademe pour les opérations dont le coût est ≥ 3M€, un guichet accordant des subventions et géré par l’ASP, Agence de Services et de Paiements, pour les opérations < 3 M€.More than two months after its announcement, this counter is finally open.

Exchanges with braid, welded plates, etc..appear in the list of equipment eligible for a subsidy as part of the French Industry component.© Danfoss

A very served calendar

First major point of this France component relaunch industry: the calendar is very tight.Requests must be filed with the ASP no later than December 31, 2020, by filling out the subsidy request form available online on the ASP website.Then, no beginning of the acquisition of acquisition of the property (quote, contract signed, order, etc.) must have been completed before the date of receipt of the subsidy request by the ASP.

Well, the ASP puts its own, but remains in the tradition of French administrative complexity.Indeed: once printed, dated and signed, the form mentioned above is necessarily sent by post to ASP with all the supporting documents requested.

However, it is possible to facilitate the instruction to address initially, by email to the address a complete scanned file, piece by piece.In this case the sending, it will be enough to send by mail to the ASP, the original form of request for aid signed, without the supporting documents.This remains necessary for the ASP to establish the notification of aid allocation.

Then, on the basis of the complete file, the ASP instructs the request and, if it is eligible, sends the company a notification of assistance of assistance.After paying for its property, the company requests payment with the ASP.For this it imperatively completes the payment request form online.

Efficacité énergétique dans l’industrie : le guichet de France Relance est ouvert

Once printed, dated and signed, the form must be sent by post to ASP with all the supporting documents requested.Based on the full file, the ASP educates the request and if it is eligible pays business aid.A subsidy request file is subject to a single payment.

Engie Axima, with the help of Hybrid Energy, its Norwegian partner, mixes two technologies - compression and absorption - in hybrid heat pumps.This GreenPac range allows you to reach 120 ° C from overheated water starting temperature with operating pressures of only 20 bar, using water/NH3 (R717) solution and standard equipment.© ENGIE AXIMA

What are the materials concerned by the ASP counter?

The operation of the aid distributed by the ASP is described in the decree of November 7, 2020 "relating to the methods of management of assistance in favor of decarbonization investments of industrial production tools" and in its appendix 1.

Aid is intended for industrial companies that make an investment in a property, registered with the assets immobilized and assigned to an industrial activity on French territory, when this property is one of the 3 large families and 18 following categories::

Strength or heat recovery materials (11 categories of goods)

1 - Recovery boiler on thermal effluents or poor process,

2 - Recovering thermal exchangers on liquid, gas or cooling fluids (for example: tubular exchangers, plates exchangers, Spiral STH type exchangers, twisted tube exchangers, capacity, by heat transfer fluid, rotary) when these materials are intended for theProduction of hot water or steam, thermal fluid, air, the energy exchanged being used for the preheating of combustion air, products, fuel or fluids used in binary cycles, recovery of fridgeOn relaxed fluids, process recovery processes/process, with the exception of the recovery of heat on cold group and/or air compressor,

3 - Installation of preheating products by direct exchange with thermal releases, with the exception of what concerns heat recovery on cold group,

4 - Hoods and caps to capture solid cooling heat after an operation requiring temperature elevation,

5 - Materials allowing the energy valuation (in the form of electricity or heat) of fatal gas, from as by -products of industrial processes or fatal energy contained in smoke from industrial ovens or boilers: recovery, transport,storage, preparation, use,

6 - Material for electricity production from fatal heat,

7 - Material allowing the recovery of the braking energy of an industrial lifting or centrifugation application,

8 - Materials for monitoring the energy performance of industrial installations (production and consumption of electrical utilities and consumption),

9 - Materials allowing the creation of fridge from recovery of low -level calories lost in industrial processes,

10 - Heat pumps with mechanical recompression steam whose performance coefficient is greater than or equal to 4 and materials allowing the direct thermocompression of fluids with energy recycling thus recovered, with the exception of heat recovery on cold groupand/or heating systems for premises,

11 - Pompe à chaleur industrielle haute température et très haute température pour un usage à destination d'un procédé industriel (> 70 °C).

Measuring materials allowing the monitoring of the energy efficiency of the installations are also among the equipment subsidable by the ASP counter.© Wago

Materials intended to improve the energy efficiency of devices or installations (3 categories of equipment)

12 - Regulation material improving the energy performance of the following equipment: ovens, boilers, dryers, compressors and steam turbines,

13 - Measuring equipment or recorders allowing better control of the energy efficiency of the installations, with the exception of the control devices provided for in articles R.224-26 and R.224-27 of the environment code,

14 - Materials for making energy savings by optimizing and centralized control of the management of a set of energy consumers and affected devices exclusively for this use: Centralized IT system for measurement and control or system distributedby microprocessors.

Materials less emitting greenhouse gases, alternative to materials or processes supplied by fossil fuels (4 categories)

15 - Effective combustion equipment acquired to replace conventional combustion equipment: self -recovery burners, regenerative burners, micromodulant burners, oxy -combustion burners,

16 - Electric heating equipment on the surface or in the mass necessary for industrial processes, replacing mainly fossil fuel heating: electric infrared heating, at high frequency, by ultraviolet radiation, microwave, by induction,

17 - Substituting separation material from a thermal separation system: polymer membranes, mineral membranes, cryogenic membranes,

18 - UV disinfection equipment or cold pasteurization by high pressure, by pulsed electric field to replace thermal pasteurization.

In this long list, an absence is obvious: the installation of photovoltaic panels, inverters and storage of electricity.

With regard to a company with a plurality of activities, it can only benefit from aid if the eligible property is assigned to an industrial activity.A company having exclusively a commercial, agricultural, craft or liberal activity cannot benefit from the aid.

What is the amount of grants?

The eligible expenditure plate includes the HT price of the goods (s), and may include advice costs: programming, commissioning, acquisition of skills on the functioning of the property (machine/software).On the other hand, transport, maintenance or prior studies costs are not eligible.

There is no minimum amount of eligible expenses.The amount of the subsidy is determined by applying the grant rate to the total amount of the eligible plate excl..The grant rates are dependent on the equipment category and the size of the industrial company to which the equipment is intended:

For eligible goods relating to categories 1 to 14, the grant rate is: 50 % for a small business, 40 % for an average company, 30 % for intermediate -sized companies and large companies.

For eligible goods relating to categories 15 to 18, the grant rate is: 20 % for a small business, 10 % for an average company, 10 % for intermediate -sized companies and large companies, limited to € 200,000 perRegulation (EU) No. 1407/2013 and limited to € 800,000 subject to eligibility for the temporary framework COVID SA.56985, if the company is eligible.

Source: Batirama.Com / Pascal Poggi