Franchise shoe store: with which networks to get started?

23/07/2022 By acomputer 766 Views

Franchise shoe store: with which networks to get started?

The shoe market is generally better in 2016, but it remains fragile.Between exacerbated competition and drop in volumes, it is better, to get started, to be well accompanied!

The shoe, like the whole clothing sector, has greatly suffered from household arbitrations forced by the drop in purchasing power.And if, overall, according to an Xerfi study published in July 2015, the shoe is an exception in the fairly gloomy landscape of the person's equipment, the situation remains fragile due to a rise in competition.Thus, after a slight blow of soft in 2013 and 2014, the shoe market rebounded (a little!)) In 2015 with a turnover increased at 8.8 billion euros.But the thinning was only short -lived: the sector has indeed experienced in the 1st half of this year a Scottish shower with -5% of figures, a drop due largely to weather factors (mild winter, springrainy)), but also tight budgets, and morale at half mast of households.In terms of production by categories, city shoes and relaxation are largely in the lead with 56%, followed by interior shoes (29%)), work and safety shoes (13%)), and sports shoesand others (2%)).

A competition that explodes

If the shoe comes out better than clothing, this is essentially due, according to Xerfi's analysis, to the success of the pure players like Sarenza, Spartoo or Zalando, "as well as to the offensives of the actors of the sport and theMode such as hide and seek or intersport.But this situation also resulted in an overabundance of the offer, particularly penalizing for specialized brands.This has resulted in recent months in series restructuring, especially within the Vivarte group (La Halle, André, etc..)).These restructuring which have been added to the disappearance of several battle stores demonstrate the phenomenon.“Despite multiple initiatives to make their offer more attractive and enhance the customer experience (cross-channel devices, digitalization of points of sale, etc..)), the brands are struggling to differentiate themselves in this context of exacerbated competition.Suddenly, in the coming years, the trend may well confirm the continuation of the concentration of the sector.Especially since new competitors are always more aggressive, like ready-to-wear brands that seek, with the shoe, to develop growth relays.

A concentrated market organization

According to the French Federation of the Shoe, the distribution of sales in value by distribution circuit places sports stores at the top of the circuits with 23% of market share. Suivent les succursalistes des grandes surfaces spécialisées (18,5%)), les chaînes de magasins (16%)), les détaillants indépendants (15%)), la vente à distance (11%)), les magasins d'habillement (7,5%)), les grandes surfaces alimentaires (5,5%)), les grands magasins (2%)), et les autres lieux d'achats, comme les marchés notamment (1,5%)).

Magasin de chaussures en franchise : avec quels réseaux se lancer ?

In detail, the trend of recent years has decreased in number of independents increasingly often competed by networks under brand.The latter count for more than half of shoe stores, and represent almost 40% of the market in value.Among these networks in brands, the branches are the most numerous.

The vast majority of these points of sale under brand belong to two major leading groups: Eram and Vivarte.

ERAM is positioned on the market via a large number of distinct brands (ERAM, Bocage, Staggy, Heyraud, Text, Mellow Yellow, Gémo, more than 1,500 points of sale in the world. Vivarte (enseignes La Halle aux chaussures, André, Besson, Minelli, San Marina)) totalise près de 4500 points de vente dans le monde.

Faced with these giants and specialized self -employed, competition comes mainly from sports stores.First non -specialized shoe distribution circuit, sports stores constantly extend their ranges from technical shoe to very fashionable relaxation shoe to seduce the greatest number.The result is not long in coming: in 2015, out of the 415 million pairs of shoes bought in France, 30% were sports shoes (up 12% over one year to 2.7 billion euros)).

The other actors present in this sector in a secondary way are on the one hand the pure-players of e-commerce which represent around 10% of sales and continue on their momentum with particularly sharpened service policies (deliveries and free returns, plethoric offers inline)).Then the clothing signs that diversify to expand their proposals and finally large food areas whose low -end positioning restricts the room for maneuver.

Open a franchise shoe store

The shoe sector being very competitive, it is better to get started to benefit from a known brand, trendy models and every moment support.The choice of the brand thus is of strategic importance since indeed, the weight of stocks and the daily management of unsold people remain the two major concerns of a shoe store manager!

Among the choices offered in franchise, impossible to ignore the two leaders in the sector: ERAM and Vivarte.Within these two groups, several major well -known brands coexist.

Thus at ERAM, the candidate can turn to the ERAM brand herself, known for decades with women aged 25 to 35, his target clientele (entry fee 10.000 €, personal contribution 20.000 €)), ou vers l'enseigne Bocage, positionnée plutôt sur une cible plus mature (droit d'entrée 10.000 €, personal contribution 75.000 €)), mais aussi Texto, l'enseigne tendance du groupe (droit d'entrée 10 000€, apport personnel 100 000 €)), ou enfin l'enseigne Mellow Yellow, la marque de « luxe abordable » du groupe pour les 20-30 ans (droit d'entrée 10.000 €, personal contribution between 75.000 € and 150.000 €)).

In Vivarte, the concepts are also multiple.The group's flagship brand remains André, with a marked fashion positioning for 100 years (entry fee € 4,000, personal contribution 70.000 €)).In addition to this heavy goods vehicle, the candidate can also turn to brands like Minelli, with more modern and glamorous positioning (entry right 12.000 €, personal contribution 31.500€)), ou encore San Marina aux collections plus abordables (droit d'entrée 10.000 €, personal contribution 70.000 €)).Vivarte also develops in franchise the Besson shoes brand which he has owned since 1998. Cette enseigne qui se développe sous forme de location mandat cultive son indépendance vis -à-vis du groupe (droit d'entrée 0€, apport personnel 5000 €)).

In addition to the brands of these two groups, the franchise candidates can also turn to competing brands but in the sphere of the sport shoe like running or footlocker, or even orienting themselves towards ready-to-wear brands, whichalso develop more and more shoes rays.