How to dress well for football when it's cold?

29/06/2022 By acomputer 745 Views

How to dress well for football when it's cold?

Avec le froid et l'hiver qui arrivent, une question revient : Comment bien s'habiller pour jouer au foot et sans avoir froid ? On vous explique tout.

Anyone who has practiced an outdoor sport in his life knows that it is particularly difficult to motivate yourself to go to training when it is cold.If we all know a person for whom cold is not a problem since he will play all year in shorts and without gloves, many athletes and especially footballers apprehend this winter period.

However, even without taking a hot water bottle during your next training session, it is very easy to spend the winter.In just two minutes, we give you very simple advice that has largely proven themselves.

How can you get cold anymore?

By wanting to fight against the cold, we tend to make mistakes.The first (and the most common) is to multiply the layers of protection.However, you should know that this technique is anything but effective!On the one hand, it will give you the impression of having become a Michelin man and in addition, it will only protect you from the cold with sparingly and will therefore be much more embarrassing than efficient.Indeed, in full effort you will sweat and your 12 t-shirts will absorb this perspiration and your clothes will become humid and therefore inevitably cold.You will then have the opposite of what you were looking for at the start.

To be in good training conditions and without being cold, a technique is used in most sports and is intended to be the most effective, the technique of the three layers.

Comment bien s’habiller pour le foot quand il fait froid ?

1. The breathable layer (Baselayer) 2.The thermal layer (fleece, wool, down) 3.The protective layer (waterproof)

The three -layer technique, always effective

Three layers.This is how we advise you to equip yourself to fight the cold.But beware, these diapers are not cotton t-shirts that you could take in normal conditions or this good old football jersey that you like so much during your sessions.No, these three layers will only be effective if they are associated.

1st layer: breathable

Baselayer, underlay.Call it as you want but this technical piece is the first link in the chain.Close to the skin, its main action is to evacuate the perspiration caused by effort.Thus, the cooling effect of the body temperature will be reduced.

2nd layer: thermal

As its name suggests, the second layer has the sole ambition to keep you warm and isolate your body from the outdoor cold.Often in wool, fleece or down, this second layer must be used so as to be close to the body but without being too tight so as not to lose its insulating effect.

3rd layer: protector

When you think of the cold, you often associate the wind.And it is precisely to respond to this cold-wind combination that the third layer is interesting.Indeed, the latter aims to be waterproof and windbreaker to prevent humidity from returning.However, be careful not to use your good old K-Way that you keep preciously since your childhood.Indeed, we must favor technologies that are waterproof and breathable.Gore-tex is probably the best known in this area and has the qualities to be your third layer.

If this three -layer system has therefore largely proven itself in the past, it is important to understand that it can be changed to meet different needs.For example, if it is windy but not very cold, the thermal layer will not be compulsory.On the other hand, if it is cold but beautiful and without wind, you can largely leave the protective layer in the locker room.

Glove, hat, cache-color, the essentials

Once your body is protected against cold, it is also important not to forget the ends.We have all heard our grandmother telling us that we catch a cold by the feet.And since it is better to prevent than to cure, the use of gloves, a hat and a cache is obviously very effective.Besides the desire to be warm, there is nothing more unpleasant than having frozen hands.On the upper body, many brands have recently developed products to specifically cover the blow and lower face.This is particularly the case with Nike with its Strike cache.

Bonus: Hydrate yourself!

Once the anti-cold equipment has been validated, another advice is important to take into account, that of hydrating.Indeed, as explained by our colleagues in Runpack, the mere fact of breathing fresh air accelerates dehydration.It is therefore strongly advised to drink before you thirst and in small sips.