How to put skis on a backpack?

06/09/2022 By acomputer 767 Views

How to put skis on a backpack?

mis à jour : 30 novembre 2021

Si vous vous attaquez au ski de randonnée, à la freerando ou même au ski freeride, vous aurez peut-être besoin, par moments, de porter vos skis à la main, dans des passages difficiles, trop escarpés ou trop caillouteux. Dans ces conditions, pouvoir porter ces skis dans le dos grâce à un sac à dos adapté est la meilleure solution.Comment mettre des skis sur un sac à dos ? Comment mettre des skis sur un sac à dos ?

  1. 1. How to be able to wear skis on a bag?
  2. 2. The different types of skis portage on backpack
  3. 3. Front portage
  4. 4. Lateral portage
  5. 5. Diagonal portage
  6. 6. to summarize

How to be able to wear skis on a bag?

In reality, skis can be worn on a backpack thanks to strips or light and adjustable straps.They do not need to be very resistant, nor very thick.By firmly tightening skis thanks to the strips against the backpack, they will be firmly attached and solidized in the bag.

Obviously all backpacks do not offer the portage of skis.Even certain models of backpack intended for mountain use are not suitable for carrying skis.Like very small litter bags, which are too small to ensure a porting of safe and pleasant skis.

The different types of skis portage on backpack

Comment mettre des skis sur un sac à dos ?

These are the three most widespread portage for skiing.

They each have advantages and disadvantages, so it is useful to take a few moments and understand how everyone works before buying a backpack.

Front portage

Front portage as its name suggests, allows you to carry skis side by side on the front of the backpack.It is a type of portage that is not very widespread but which can be practical so as not to feel the skis coming to type against the shoulder blades, the shoulders or the ribs.In return, the front portage tends to shoot slightly back your center of gravity.

This is more a preference than a real disadvantage, the front portage being effective.

Lateral portage

The lateral portage of skis is certainly the most common on backpacks, because it uses the shape of the backpack to its advantage.

Also called triangle porting, it allows you to place each ski on each side of the backpack.Some skiers even attach the front spatulas to form a real triangle, which allows you to keep the skis firmly.This portage provides some confidence to the skier because he feels his equipment well stowed in the back.

Diagonal portage

Diagonal portage allows you to fix the skis diagonally (therefore) on the outer side of the backpack.Skis being joined, they are joined together.This type of porting is interesting because it allows to clear the movements of the legs especially in vertical passages.On the other hand, it can create a certain imbalance due to a distribution of weight in unequal space.More weight at the bottom left and more weight at the top right, which according to the situations does not balance very well.

to summarize

You can easily wear skis from the back thanks to a suitable backpack.This backpack should offer one or more types of skis portage thanks to tightening straps placed on the bag.There are three main types of port: lateral, diagonal, frontal.

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