Courre hunting: anti-chases have tried to overthrow hinders in the Paimpont forest the weekly newsletter from

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Courre hunting: anti-chases have tried to overthrow hinders in the Paimpont forest the weekly newsletter from

March 30, 2021

The Brittany rally decreased this Saturday in the Paimpont forest and several anti-chases of the Forest Sheperd movement went to the forest to try to do battle.We have joined two buttons on the phone that gave us some elements."This Saturday more than forty riders and followers were present in the forest with also the presence of walkers (volunteers who supervise hunting against the saboteurs).Also present are members of the Forest Shepherd collective who wish to ban hunting in France in France.At the end of the morning, one of their vehicle deliberately struck two followers who were on the road near the Pas du Houx pond.This incident required the intervention of firefighters and the gendarmerie and one of the followers had to be taken to the hospital by the firefighters.In the end, the crew being perfectly well organized, the opponents could not hinder let it run.The firefighters transported the slightly injured veneur to the Saint-Grégoire hospital center, near Rennes.The consequences of this incident could have been dramatic, "said one of the buttons in the Hervé Schwer crew.

Il y a un mois un veneur a été renversé par un anti-chasse sur une route!

About a month and a half ago, the Perseverance rally (Lière Vennerie) hunted in the Loyat sector in Brittany.One of their cycling follower was circulating because of the dog passage when an anti-chase has passed, lost control of his vehicle and seriously overthrew the latter.The Veneur has undergone several fractures and was not far from losing the total use of his leg.The driver made a flight offense and was caught by the police in a neighboring village.Obviously some anti have decided to go up a gear ...

Chasse à courre : Des anti-chasse ont tenté de renverser des veneurs en forêt de Paimpont LA NEWSLETTER HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHASSONS.COM