Cold bed during the winter: effective tips to warm it up

23/02/2022 By acomputer 822 Views

Cold bed during the winter: effective tips to warm it up

Modified By Maurane Hugon

Every night, do you dread the moment when you're going to slip into your frozen bed? Do not panic, here are 5 effective tips to quickly warm your sheets.

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In winter, the slightest source of heat is welcome. However, when the temperatures become negative, it is difficult to find something that will durably warm us up during the day.

Bedtime is therefore eagerly awaited since it will finally allow us to wrap ourselves in fluffy sheets and finally be warm. But before being able to experience this pleasant moment, you must first go through the first stage, that of entering an icy bed that has not encountered any heat since you got up. If this step is sometimes difficult to cross, know that there are clever solutions to warm your bed.

Warm your bed with hot water bottles

About ten minutes before going to bed, you can place one or more very hot hot water bottles inside your bed. Favorite place? At the level of the feet because the extremities of the body tend to be colder than the other areas.

Warm up the extremities of his body

If your feet and hands are cold at bedtime, it will be difficult to warm your bed quickly. The trick? Dip the extremities of your body in a basin of hot water just before going to bed. This very effective method will allow you to warm up these key areas of the body and thus create a thermal niche once under the duvet.

Cover up well

There is no miracle solution when you are cold in bed, it is better to avoid sleeping naked and opt for cotton or linen pajamas and a pair of socks with a soft, even distended elastic .

While dressing more than usual is a good thing, you shouldn't cover yourself too much either. Wearing clothes made of synthetic material such as fleece is far from being the solution. Why ? Because rooms that are too hot will make you sweat. Result ? Your wet body will cool down and you will feel cold.

Stretch your body

Two to three hours before going to bed, it is advisable to do some gentle stretching to raise your body temperature. Soothing and relaxing, this moment will be ideal for doing a short meditation in order to feel good about your body.

While stretching is recommended, exercise is not. Why ? Because it would have the opposite effect and would cause the production of too much heat and therefore perspiration.

One duvet per person

If you sleep as a couple and you fear the cold, it is better to opt for two separate duvets. Why ? Because this will prevent drafts from being created. Only one blanket per person will capture heat more easily and warm the bed quickly.

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