Mate paintings play on velvet ...

27/07/2022 By acomputer 727 Views

Mate paintings play on velvet ...

Dans un marché atone, de grandes tendances voient le jour avec les peintures “velours” et les peintures "à fonction" qui pourrait redonner un élan salvateur à la profession.Les peintures mates jouent sur du velours… Les peintures mates jouent sur du velours…

The situation in which the building painting is faced with a long crossing of the desert since 2009, the year which had recorded a catastrophic fall of its sales at -14%.And even if the positive trends had emerged in 2011 (+ 5.8%) and 2010 (+ 4.1%), the sector had returned to a strong gloom, with a decline of 2%of the sales of paintings (Excluding export), between 2012 and 2013.

The year 2014 was hardly better off, the building painting market having remained sluggish, at -2% compared to 2013.It is true that the economic situation is always difficult, with markets which are all down, increasing regulatory pressure, great financial fragility of customers, accompanied by their prizes of payment difficulties, or even the closure of many companies in the sector…

To this are added recurring difficulties in all sectors under pressure from the fall in new construction and a crisis which also rages in renovation where painting work is not deemed priority and undergo the postponement of investments.

Les peintures mates jouent sur du velours…

Washed products

On this market in difficulty, matt paintings, which represent approximately 40% of the interior decoration market, are pulling out of the game and increasing their market share. Il faut dire qu’elles affichent des atouts et que de gros progrès techniques dus à une ­Recherche & Développement très active, permettent aujourd’hui aux fabricants de proposer des produits non seulement lavables, mais aussi lessivables, grâce, par exemple, à l’introduction de charges fines et résistantes dans leurs formules.

© Guittet

Furthermore, we note the growing importance of the aqueous phase, not only because of the 2010 regulations, which limited the use of solvent phases, but also because of the conjugation of an awareness of companies inhealth level of their applicators and growing demand from customers.

And if the solvited phase still exists, it is only for very specific and punctual applications, due to their insulation characteristics after water or fire damage or even a fierce desire on the part of certain former professionals whoHe stays faithful.

© Guittet

Notice of a union representative

Stéphane Seurt,responsable marketing Allios - Division Soframap, société membre du Sipev*

"There is a great advance in functional paintings"

What are the main trends planned for 2015?

On note en premier lieu un basculement du mat vers le “velours”, qui associe la profondeur de teinte du mat à l’aspect soyeux, mais surtout la lessivabilité et l’absence de lustrage du satiné. C’est ainsi que le velours, qui représente 30% du marché, a fait un bond de 10% pour la seule année 2014 par rapport à 2013, au détriment du satiné et du mat.

But 2015 seems above all to draw a clear advance of functional paintings, which are no longer limited to a decorative role and adopt a real function, such as the depollution of the indoor air and the capture of harmful particles, especially those of formaldehyde.Paintings thus become antibacterial, antimicrobial, anticondensation, anti -maiser, or even insulating.

These efficient results can be obtained in terms of binders or additives.It is these new kinds that should also allow us to reconnect with positive growth that is estimated between +3 and +5%.Let us recall indeed that an application decree from the Grenelle of the Environment provides for a progressive entry into force, staggered between 2015 and 2023, of the obligation of surveillance of the indoor air in the places welcoming the public, according toThe type of establishment.A decree that is, of course, favorable to us!

What about paintings based on bio-based components in this context?

Si les peintures “naturelles” ont soulevé un engouement certain auprès du grand public, ce n’est guère le cas du côté des professionnels du bâtiment chez lesquels la demande se fait très peu sentir.

They represent less than 1% of the building market.In addition, the performance of biosourced binders have not yet reached those of their petrochemical counterparts, especially in terms of whiteness, extended drying times or the risk of yellowing in time.*National Union of Paintings, Suns and Varnish industries


To this are added the benchmarks established by the control and certification organizations, type Pure label or Ecocert repository, ecological paints and coating products of natural origin, constituting technical documents of private law under their sole responsibility.They can in no case replace the Reach regulation or the advice of the CNC.

* Reach is the English acronym for "Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals", in French: Registration, evaluation system and authorization of chemicals.

Opening photo: © Sikkens

Source: Batirama.Com / Michèle Fourret