Motorcycle, scooter: how to understand winter on the handlebars of your two-wheelers?

30/01/2023 By acomputer 625 Views

Motorcycle, scooter: how to understand winter on the handlebars of your two-wheelers?

1 - Know all to prepare the wintering of your two -wheeler

Are you one of those who do not drive (or very little) in winter?We understand you: this is not the most favorable period to take full advantage of your machine.However, storage - or wintering if you prefer - a motorcycle or a scooter for several months obeys a number of rules.Here they are.

Choose a storage location protected from bad weather

Leaving your two-wheelers in the street is not the best ideas.In addition to being exposed to the risk of theft, he will tirelessly suffer the assaults of winter.

If possible, Park it in a garage.Otherwise, cover it with a dedicated cover, that is to say not completely hermetic.Otherwise, condensation would risk degrading your chrome and plastics.

Mechanics: good reflexes

Start by unplugging the battery (disconnect the negative terminal and then the positive/ during connection, it is the opposite, connect the positive terminal then the negative).If you have contact fat, you can moderately coat the terminals and pods before storing your battery in a dry room, sheltered from the gel and the sun.

Moto, scooter : Comment appréhender l’hiver au guidon de votre deux-roues ?

Then clog the exhaust pot to prevent humidity from entering it and, if you have a few notions of mechanics, remove all the elements likely to rust like, for example, candles.

Regarding the tank, fill it as much as possible if your vehicle is electronic injection (all recent two-wheelers are).On the other hand, if it is equipped with a simple carburetor, empty it entirely.

Emptying engine oil and a change in the oil filter are also strongly recommended.Have you regularly maintained your motorcycle throughout the year?In this case, you can jump this step.On the other hand, it will be essential to drain before hitting the road in fine weather.

Finally, and although this article aims to tell you how to protect your two-wheeler from the cold, this is not a reason not to take care of its system...cooling. Si le liquidecooling venait à geler, cela pourrait endommager votre véhicule.So, even if most of the systems are made of a mixture of water and antifreeze, check the level of liquid before leaving your machine "hibernate".

Clean your two-wheeler

Nothing worse than storing a motorcycle or a scooter soiled by bird droppings: the latter is indeed very corrosive for the paintings of the paintings.

While you are there, take the opportunity to apply maintenance products (polish, anti-rust, silicone, etc.) in order to protect the chrome, paintings, plastics and other metal parts of your frame.

Do not modify the guarantees of your insurance

If it is tempting to want to lower the cost of his scooter motorcycle insurance during the winter, abstain.Not only will the savings be made minimal, but above all, in case of damage (fall, fire, etc.), you might no longer be covered.