Nocturnal sweats: when to worry and what to do?

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Nocturnal sweats: when to worry and what to do?

Nathalie FerronJournaliste
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Unpleasant, night sweats disrupt sleep and spoil the nights.What are the possible causes?Are there solutions?The point with Dr. Isabelle Rousseaux, dermatologist in Lille.

  1. A hormonal imbalance
  2. Viral or bacterial infection
  3. Watch out for stress
  4. Night sweats: which doctor consult?
  5. Nocturnal and menopause sweats
  6. Nocturnal sweats: tips for better living them?

"Natural biological process, perspiration makes it possible to evacuate the excess heat by excreting sweat by the pores of the skin and thus maintaining the thermal balance of the organism", recalls Dr. Isabelle Rousseaux, dermatologist in Lille.Not problematic when external temperatures increase or during physical effort, this biological phenomenon can be amplified at night by multiple causes.

A hormonal imbalance

First, a hormonal, transient or permanent imbalance, is often the source of night sweats.

Directly linked to the hormonal fluctuations of menopause, night sweats disturb the nights of many women and are often associated with hot flashes, a symptom characteristic of the drop in estrogen."Thyroid dysfunction (hyperthyroidism) can also be the source of night sweating," adds Dr. Isabelle Rousseaux.

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In men, an excess of testosterone can also promote this problem.Hormonal disturbances are therefore clearly involved in the appearance of night sweats.

Viral or bacterial infection

Sweating being correlated with an increase in body temperature, any infection (viral or bacterial) causing fever can promote the appearance of night sweats.This is particularly the case with seasonal flu, but also other infections, such as hepatitis C, for example.More rarely, this can be the symptom of a more serious pathology (certain cancers, for example).

In addition, night sweats can also be part of the side effects of certain drug classes."This is the case of certain antidepressants, anti-hypertensivers, even certain contraceptive pills," said Dr. Rousseaux.

Watch out for stress

Other causes, such as sleep apnea or stress are not to be neglected either.In addition, a spicy, generous or alcoholic meal are also likely to disrupt digestion and to promote night sweats.

Finally, it sometimes happens that night sweats have no specific cause."We then speak of idiopathic night sweats," adds the dermatologist.

Night sweats: which doctor consult?

If this disorder becomes frequent and it disrupts sleep, you should consult your attending physician who will offer you a biological assessment."It is always a question of finding the cause before considering treatment," recalls Dr. Rousseaux.Depending on the results of the analyzes, a consultation in an endocrinologist or a gynecologist will make it possible to envisage appropriate treatment.In the event of suspicion of a serious illness, other examinations may be considered."However, in the vast majority of cases, the causes of night sweats are unveiled," reassures the doctor.

Nocturnal and menopause sweats

Heat puffs, insomnia, night sweats: this is the symptomatic trio evocative of menopause.If these inconvenience vary depending on the individual susceptibility, they can significantly disturb the quality of the sleep.How to recognize night sweats related to menopause?They last between 30 seconds and a few minutes, and are often followed by cold sweats.They can sometimes occur up to 15 to 20 times a day and their degree of severity can go from a little heat to keep the woman from working or even sleeping.Some sweat so much at night that they have to change.

On average, heat puffs last for 5 years, but many women suffer them for ten years.

What treatment?

Depending on the frequency of disorders and their intensity, you will be able to turn to natural solutions (phytotherapy, acupuncture, yoga of hormones ...) or to hormonal substitution treatment (HRT) if the inconvenience is more severe.It can only be started at the end of the rules and will only be prescribed by the doctor from a certain disabilities for the daily life of the patient.

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A synthetic progestin, Tibolone, represents a good treatment alternative.It is however a little less effective, and presents the same contraindications and complications as HRT.

Talk to your doctor.

Nocturnal sweats: tips for better living them?

"Nocturnal perspiration can cause skin irritation, even the appearance of small pimples," says the dermatologist.To overcome this problem, avoid synthetic fiber clothes at all costs and favor natural materials such as cotton and linen for both pajamas and bed linen.

To avoid the occurrence of night sweats, some simple lifestyle rules may be enough.It is not recommended to sleep in a room that is too heated, for example."If you are cold, it is best to add an additional duvet rather than mounting the heating," suggests Dr. Rousseaux.Also avoid any source of stress before going to bed: no video games or too late sports practice, for example.Finally, avoid consuming exciting (coffee, tea, alcohol) and dine slightly.