One-Way: Preparation for a Capraia - Porquerolles crossing with Dream Yacht Charter - Yachting Art Magazine

10/03/2022 By acomputer 915 Views

One-Way: Preparation for a Capraia - Porquerolles crossing with Dream Yacht Charter - Yachting Art Magazine

However, trust does not prohibit control and a visit to the main systems makes it possible to check their state and locate them. It's always useful. We ensure the proper functioning of the rigging, with particular attention paid to the reefs and the position of the halyards, lines and maneuvers of all kinds.

On the engine side, it is never useless to know how to locate the sea water filter which can clog, the sea water intake valve and to check that the control cables are correctly attached. We also carry a water pump impeller and belts, always present on board Dream yacht Charter boats. An ammeter clamp multimeter allows us to check the alternator output and the battery voltage which must be carried out, shore power disconnected, after 2 or 3 hours of rest, without any charging current being applied to these latest. Check that the maps on board (paper and electronic) cover the landing area and that the VHF and the pilot are working perfectly.

On Dream Yacht Charter sailboats, everything works and nothing is missing!

One-Way : Préparation d'une traversée Capraia - Porquerolles avec Dream Yacht Charter - Yachting Art Magazine